DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHan, Pei-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorSun, Yu-Chihen_US
dc.description.abstract在台灣使用英文的需求近年來趨於普遍化,英語口說也被視為象徵個人能力 的一項專業(Darling and Dannels, 2003)。由於團體形式的學習最有助於達成學習 成效(Wenger, 1998),本研究探索以培訓成員公眾演說以及領導能力的國際演講 協會(Toastmasters Club)。研究對象為國際演講協會在台灣的兩個分會中成員, 一個為地區性分會,另一個為校園社團型分會,共五十六名。成員自發性加入的 動機、自我評估加入協會後的學習成效、以及全盤性的參與心得感知為本研究的 三大重點。本研究採用 Kruidenier 和 Cle´ment 在 1986 年提出的知識導向、工具 導向、旅遊導向、以及人際導向的動機以了解成員自發性加入的動機。學習成效 分為口說能力之構成要素(Shumin, 2008)和國際演講協會統一訂定的學習目標。自 信、自發性學習、歸屬感、和學習收穫用以探索協會成員加入後的心得感知。研 究者採用敘述性統計和多變量變異數分析來分析量性資料。質性資料則透過內容 分析法加以分析討論。 本研究結果發現國際演講協會是一個有效的學習團體。成員加入國際演講協 會主要為了學習英文以及英文演說,培養人際關係也為一項重要因素。成員在國 際演講協會當中感受到愉悅、溫暖的學習環境、以及對協會感到歸屬感,本研究 也發現加入較久的成員自我評估的學習成效較為顯著,英文的進步較為明顯。此 外,加入較久的成員也表示參加國際演講協會助於自信的提昇,和擁有較高的自 發性學習能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the need to use English has become prevalent in Taiwan, and there has been a growing interest in English speaking because it has been considered as an important skill to represent in one’s level of professional resume (Darling and Dannels, 2003). It has been advocated that learning can be best achieved in the form of a community. The present study focuses on a specific learning community – Toastmasters (TM) Club in Taiwan that was created to help people to improve both public speaking ability and to develop leadership. This study surveyed 56 participants from one regional TM club and one campus TM club. In order to investigate reasons which bring Taiwanese people to the club on a voluntary basis, Kruidenier and Cle´ment’s (1986) four orientations (knowledge, instrument, travel, and friendship) were used to understand TM members’ motivation to attend the club. The members also needed to self perceive their improvements after participating in TM meetings; the areas of improvements were categorized by Shnmin’s (2008) components of speaking proficiency and the goals set up by Toastmasters International (2010). Last, TM members’ overall perception of the value of the TM club were explored in regard to self-confidence, learning autonomy, sense of belonging, and perceived learning benefits. The quantitative data were interpreted by descriptive statistics and MANOVA, while the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The findings revealed that TM members essentially joined the club for knowledge-oriented motivation to learn English and public speaking; friendship-oriented motivation was the second important factor for the development of interpersonal relationship. Also, a longer membership of TM was found beneficial to self-perceived improvement growth. Members who devote their time to regularly participate in TM meetings believe that they gain greater improvements in English. Finally, the members can feel a pleasant learning environment and sense of belonging to TM, which showed that the TM club is an advantageous learning community. In addition, self-confidence and learning autonomy were found to be developed after a longer term of TM membership; however, there is no guarantee.en_US
dc.subjectToastmasters Clubsen_US
dc.subjectlearning communityen_US
dc.subjectlearning autonomyen_US
dc.titleAn Exploration Study of Toastmasters Clubs in Taiwan: Members' Motivation, Self-Perceived Improvement, and Overall Perceptionen_US


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