標題: 文化創意設計-台北故宮隨身碟產品個案研究
Cultural-Oriented Design-The Case Study on Taipei National Palace Museum's USB Products
作者: 王修彥
Chen, Shu Kuang
關鍵字: 文化創意產業;消費性電子產品;USB隨身碟;產品設計;故宮博物院;Cultural and creative industries;consumer electronics products;USB flash drives;product design;National Palace Museum
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究旨在探討消費性電子產品如何在競爭激烈幾無差異化的環境中,以創意設計脫穎而出,在近20年來全世界都在發展文化創意產業的風潮之下,台灣以電子產業大國之姿,必定不能忽視這股風潮所帶來的影響。本研究以台北故宮博物院所推出的USB隨身碟為研究對象,以網路問卷方式發放台灣及大陸地區,回收有效問卷台灣地區194份,大陸地區60份,總計254份。經SPSS統計方法進行實證分析,實證結果發現如下: 以人口統計變數來分析,消費者購USB隨身碟的考慮因素、對外觀造型的偏好、對於故宮USB隨身碟設計造型的偏好、對於故宮所販售的USB隨身碟設計之滿意程度以及購買故宮所販售的USB隨身碟做為禮品之動機都沒有顯著的差異。 就人口統計變數而言,在消費者USB隨身碟的擁有數目、對於USB隨身碟的材質偏好、對於故宮所販售的USB隨身碟之理想購買價格與價格接受度及購買故宮所販售的USB隨身碟之主要目的上,則有較顯著的差異。
This study explored consumer electronics products, how to use creative design to stand out in the highly competitive, almost no differenciation environment. In the past 20 years, countries around the world are focused in the development of cultural and creative industries, Taiwan is the leading country of the world’s electronics industry, the impact of this trend should not be ignored. National Palace Museum in Taipei has launched a USB flash drive as the research object, using the Internet questionnaire issued in Taiwan and mainland China, totally received 194 valid questionnaires in Taiwan and 60 in mainland China, a total of 254. Use SPSS statistical methods, the empirical findings are as follows: 1. The analysis results show no significant difference between the demographic variables and the following factors, consumer purchase consideration of USB flash drive, the preference of appearance, the style preferences of USB flash drive designed for the Taipei National Palace Museum, the satisfaction of the USB flash drive sold in the National Palace Museum and the motivation of buying a USB flash drive sold in the National Palace Museum as a gift. 2. The analysis results show significant difference between the demographic variables and the following factors, the number of USB flash drives owned by the consumers, material preferences of USB flash drives, the acceptance of the purchase price sold by the National Palace and the main purpose of buying the USB flash drive of the National Palace Museum.
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