標題: 中高階主管人格特質以及其用人偏好研究
Using Five-Factor Model to Understand Personality of the Executives and Preference of the Subordinate
作者: 林芳苓
Lin, Fang-Ling
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 人格特質;五因素模型;NEO-PI-R;Big Five;中高階主管;用人偏好;Personality trait;Five Factor Models;NEO-PI-R;Big Five;executives;preference of the subordinate
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 人格特質的研究近來廣受重視,愈來愈多企業在徵選人員時將人格特質測量列入評量選項之一,其與日俱增的重要性觸發本研究之動機。再者,中高階主管為職場上的精英,他們所具備的人格特質結構有何特性著實讓人好奇。人格五因素模型包含:神經質、外向性、開放學習性、友善性及嚴謹性五大因素,NEO-PI-R人格特質測量即用來測量個體於此五大人格特質之結構。 本研究以人格五大特質模型來分析中高階主管之人格特質,與探討中高階主管於人格特質之用人偏好。本研究總共採集到一百一十八份有效問卷,分析結果顯示: 中高階主管具有高度「嚴謹性」與較低的「神經質」人格特質,「嚴謹性」得分高代表中高階主管都擁有追求卓越成就的強烈意志力,換個角度來說,也可能是因為擁有追求成就的動機,驅使自己在工作上付出比他人更多的努力,才能成為中高階主管。「神經質」是負面的因素,它代表個體在面對負面情緒時的反應傾向。中高階主管於此一因素的得分偏低,代表中高階主管之情緒穩定度高,面對壓力時較不容易有非理性的負面想法,且能夠控制情緒。 在三十組上下屬對應關係之有效問卷樣本中,個別組別比對與分組差異分析,所得到之用人偏好分析結果皆為中高階主管對於下屬人格特質之用人偏好,大多數傾向於喜好與自己人格特質相近類似的下屬。
The Five Factor model of the personality includes: 1.Neuroticism; 2.Extraversion; 3.Openness to Experience; 4.Agreeableness; 5.Conscientiousness. NEO-PI-R measurement used to measure individual personality traits in the Five Factor model structure. This thesis uses the Five Factor model to analyze the personality traits of the middle-top manager, as well as explore the preference of middle-top manager in personality trait of subordinates. This result of study reveals: Executive have highly ' Conscientiousness' and less ' Neuroticism ' personality traits. That means the middle-top managers have the pursuit of excellence in strong willpower. Executives have a high emotional stability, when faced with pressures less likely to have negative thoughts, and can control their emotions very well. In additional, the thesis concluded that the preference of middle-top manager in personality trait of subordinates is similar.