標題: 社交網路遊戲對使用者社會網絡及線上人際互動之影響-以Facebook為例
How Social Network Games Influence Users’ Social Network and Online Interpersonal Relations-A Case Study on Facebook
作者: 林盈廷
Lin, Ying-Ting
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: 社會網絡;Facebook;社交網路遊戲;社交網站;社會支持;social network;Facebook;Social network games;social network website;social support
公開日期: 2010
摘要: Facebook是個以連結熟人為主的社交網站,隨著使用者在網站上好友人數的增加、社會網絡的不斷擴展,使用者在同一個平台上要面對來自不同圈子的好友時,可能因為不知該以何種面貌與所有熟人互動而感到困擾。此時,附屬於Facebook中的社交網路遊戲,可能是一個新的與各界好友互動的關鍵社交工具。而社交網路遊戲是否如其名稱一般有促進社交之功能,也是本研究想探討與檢視的。 本研究以21-35歲的Facebook使用者為對象,主要探討「社交網路遊戲經驗」、「社交網路遊戲涉入程度」在「社會網絡」各向度及「線上人際互動」上之差異。研究以使用者在Facebook網站上以及網路問卷填答的資料為依據,以滾雪球方式蒐集研究樣本,有效樣本共190人。 本研究發現社交網路遊戲會使玩家對Facebook網站的黏度提高,而玩家對社交網路遊戲的涉入程度越深,其所感受到的社會支持以及線上人際互動的訊息總數量會越多,但玩家的社會支持感受以及線上人際互動則和非玩家程度相當。可見社交網路遊戲有其促進社交之功能,但並非使用者拓展社會網絡之唯一選擇。
Facebook is a social network website to help users keep up with their acquaintances. People often play different roles in front of different circles of acquaintances; however, with the consistent expansion of the users’ social network, they may be unable to deal with the social dilemma while their different social circles are mixed together in the same social network, Facebook. Under such circumstance, social network games attached to Facebbok are possible to help connect people from different circles. However, what I want to explore is whether the social network games can help to better on-line interpersonal relations of the users. The target of my study is Facebook users whose ages range between 21 and 35 years old. The object that I explore is how the experience on social networking games, and the extent of the users’ involving in the social network games, influence their social network and on-line interpersonal relations. According to the information collected in the “Wall” board in Facebook, especially how the users interact with others online, and the information from the online questionnaire that I draw up. I used a snowball sampling method for data collection. The number of the effective samples is one hundred and ninety ones. In my study, I find out that the social networking games may raise the frequency that the users visit the social networking website. The more the users are involved in the social network games, their social support will be improved, and they will interact more with other acquaintances in Facebook. Nevertheless, the social support and online interpersonal relations of the users who play the social network games are not obviously distinctive from those of the users who do not play the games. Although the social network games can improve the users’ life, it is not the only choice to enlarge their social circle.


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