標題: 客家文化影視教學研究-以電視劇《寒夜》為例
The Research of Applying Hakka Culture Television Series in Teaching-A Study Case Based on《Cold Winter’s Night》
作者: 范莉萍
Fan, Li-Ping
Lu, Hsin-Yi
關鍵字: 客家文學;客家文化;客家文化教學;影視教學;Hakka Literature;Hakka Culture;Hakka
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本論文是以高二學生作為客家文化影視教學之研究對象,並運用客家歷史電 視劇《寒夜》作為影視教學之教材。電視劇將深具代表性的客家文學影像化,呈 顯出最具體的客家文化種種,讓學子藉由觀看客家電視劇而接觸客家,並達成瞭 解客家文學、認同客家文化的教學目標。 除此之外,在教學行動的歷程中,期能以實際的行動探究、反省與驗證,增 進更多的教學知能,實踐所規劃的教學目的。透過教學者依據電視劇所設計之影 視教學內容,引導學習者對客家文學、客家文化注入新的概念與價值觀,並對整 體客家文化的教學、認同與傳承有所助益。 最後,則評估高中生在焦點團體訪談、學習單引導以及書面報告撰寫之過程 紀錄,分析他們在進行影視教學後對客家文學、文化的瞭解程度,並探究其學習 之成效。研究結果發現,高中生透過客家文化影視教學課程,對客家文化知識與 內涵的增長,均有顯著成效,且研究者在行動研究歷程中,亦獲得了課程、教學 與專業知能的成長。
This thesis is based on the research of the use of Hakka television series in teaching Hakka culture to sophomore senior high students. The TV series used in this research is “Cold Winter’s Night”. This TV series visualizes the classic Hakka literature and shows in detail many Hakka culture traditions. The goal of this research is to expose the students to Hakka culture and let them know the culture better by first watching the TV series and then familiarizing with Hakka literature. In the process of teaching activity, the main objective is to gain more teaching knowledge and expertises by applying actual teaching in action, self examination, and verification to achieve the planned goals of teaching. According to the designed teaching plans by watching the TV series, this leads the students to bring new concepts and different point of views to Hakka literature and Hakka culture thereby bring more to the Hakka culture teaching and passing down the legacy. Finally, by analyzing group discussion results from high school students, written essay reports, and the process of report writing records, a through learning analysis on their knowledge in Hakka literature and culture is completed. Based on the research, the high school students become more familiar with Hakka culture and its meaning. By completing this research, the researcher has also gained in based on courses, teaching, and professional knowledge.


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