標題: 視覺化劇情呈現需求編輯器
Authoring tool for visual scenario representation for software requirement
作者: 黃維明
Huang, Wei-Ming
Chen, Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 需求工程;多媒體編輯器;視覺化程式語言;Requirement Engineering;Multimedia Tools;Visual Programming
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 隨著社會經濟和現代化生活對軟體的依賴程度劇增,軟體需求日益複雜,一 個軟體系統的成功與否在於它是否能達到所預期的功能要求,是需求工程一直在 討論的問題。多數專案失敗的原因在於需求無法掌握,因此在軟體工程知識領域 中相關的需求工程科學顯得更為重要。因為若在初步階段沒有掌握需求內容,後 續程式開發會遇到的困境將接踵而來,致使延宕開發時程;如何掌握需求便成為 軟體開發的首要任務。 一般常見的需求規格呈現方式大都以文字模式,例如會議紀錄、組織現有的 表單、問卷調查結果等大量的文字來呈現。需求除了以文字模式呈現,也可以以 視覺化模式呈現。例如,利用影片、UML Modeling 或authoring tools 編輯出的互 動式多媒體程式。兩者的呈現方式雖然不同,但是在觀念是卻是相同的,即兩者 所表示的都是”軟體需求”的內容。 根據研究,以視覺化劇情呈現需求有下列優點(1) 更接近自然的需求表達方 式、(2)比較容易了解需求、(3)對於使用者與系統開發人員之間的溝通更加完善。 因此本研究探討以”視覺化劇情呈現需求”,並且設計實作一套編輯工具,利用此 工具根據文字需求編輯出以”視覺化劇情呈現需求”的範例。
With the socio-economic and modern life of the dramatic increase in dependence on software, software requirements become more complex. A software system's success is its ability to achieve the desired functional requirements which has been discussed in requirement engineering. Most projects fail because the demand can not be mastered, so the requirement engineering in software engineering knowledge is more important. Because if not master the requirements in the initial stages of the content, follow-up program development will come one after another to encounter difficulties. How to master the demand has become the primary task of software development. General presentation of the common requirements specification mostly in text mode, such as minutes of meetings, the existing forms, the survey results. In addition to text mode rendering, visual model can also be present for requirement representation. For example, video, UML Modeling or multimedia rendered by authoring tools. Although the presentation of two different, but it is in the concept is the same in that they are expressed "Software Requirements" of the content. According to the study, visual scenario representation for software requirement has following advantages:(1)The representation of requirement is more naturally,(2)It’s easy to understand requirement,(3)The communication between user and system developer is more complete. In this paper, we designed and developed a authoring tool for visual requirement representation and demonstrate some examples created by this tool.
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