標題: 圖書館智慧網路架構之研究
Library Web Intelligence Architecture Research
作者: 林宗賢
Lin, Thung Shien
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 圖書館2.0;智慧網路;協同智慧;Apache Tika;Apache Mahout;Hibernate Search;Library 2.0;Web Intelligence;Collective Intelligence;Apache Tika;Apache Mahout;Hibernate Search
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 網際網路的興起,目前人們所面臨的資料不再是文字的類型,還包括影音及圖像,而且這些媒體格式非常多樣化,光是分析處理這些媒體資訊就非常耗工,更何況是要將所收集的資料消化,然後取得自己想要取得的內容呢? 另外一方面,目前網路型態是以使用者為導向,圖書館從以前資訊提供者的角色,轉變成資訊中介平台,但是以使用者為導向所產生的資訊相當分散,而且沒有組織,因此對於這種情況,使用者面臨的不再是資訊的不足,而是不知道如何從大量的資訊媒體當中組織所需要的資訊,如何從這複雜的資訊網路中萃取出重要資訊,然後透過這些整理過的資訊來產生深層的領域知識,進一步來掌控資訊。而圖書館如何利用這些關鍵資訊來加速決策與流程,甚至可以幫助使用者利用這些複雜且沒有組織的資訊,這些都是目前圖書館所面臨的問題。 本研究利用圖書館2.0加上智慧網路的概念,搭配智慧網路相關文獻所提出的相關方法與技術,提出了一個可以幫助圖書館在開發智慧網路的系統架構與技術,讓圖書館可以利用智慧網路的系統來解決以上的問題,這個架構結合了搜尋、資料擷取、機器學習等基礎技術,可以方便圖書館系統建構出一個協作資訊平台之智慧網路架構。
The riseof the Internet, people facingno longer isthe type of text, including audio、video and image, and these are very diverse media formats. These media’s analysis and processing information is very time-consuming work. On the other hand, the currentnetwork is basedon User-oriented, the Library from the previous roleof information providers, intothe information intermediary platform, User-oriented information generated is highly fragmented, and there information is no organization. In this research, user’s face is no longer lackof information, but do not know how toorganize the information that you received from the large amount of information. How to extract the important information from this complex informationnetworks, and then through theseCollaboratedInformation (CI) to generate deep domain knowledge? The Library how to use these crucial information to speed upthe decision-making process, and then can even help users to take advantage of these complex and not organized information? These problems are faced by the Library.This researchuse Library 2.0 and Web Intelligent (WI) concept, with the methods and techniques of the intelligent network is described in the literature. The Library can help the development of web intelligent system to use the research architecture and techniques, so that the research architecture and techniques can help the Library to use the Web Intelligent System to solve the above problems. The research architecture is a combination of searching、data extractionand Machine Learning (ML) techniques, you can easily build a web intelligence system for the Library.
Appears in Collections:Thesis