標題: 側向電場用於電泳顯示器之應用與特性探討
Using Lateral Electric Field in Electrophoretic Displays for Mechanism Understanding and Applications
作者: 許博鈞
Hsu, Po-Chun
Huang, Yi-Pai
Jeng, Shie-Chang
關鍵字: 電泳顯示器;驅動波形;畫素電極設計;橫向電場應用;橫向觀測;雙邊驅動;electrophoretic display;driving waveform;pixel electrode design;lateral electric field application;lateral observation;dual side driving
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 利用In-Plane電極製造橫向電場,與使用顯微鏡以微觀的觀測方式量測電泳式顯示器中微米粒子的運動情形,並運用MATLAB進行影像處理,以取出實驗所需的三種重要參數(飄移速度、粒子排列對比以及擴散速度)用以比較各種基礎波型的特性,進而得到粒子運動時的受力情形,並推導出運動時的受力模型,最後則可運用此特性改善電泳式顯示器之反應速度、雙穩態以及對比度。另外在橫向的觀測中,亦可與一般縱向的驅動作出關聯。 除此之外,亦可利用橫向電場進行電泳式顯示器的驅動,使用橫向電場進行重置,則可於近乎無閃爍的狀態之下將正負離子中和進而得到更佳的雙穩態,並運用橫向電場,先行布置粒子位置而得到更快的反應時間。此外,可以以單通道或雙通道的訊號進行更高精細度的灰階調控,用以實現高灰階數以及降低殘影的成果。 當然,由於在此種基板設計下,雙穩態與殘影的問題即可大大縮小。若可將流體更換為較低粘滯係數之材料,另可以得到更快的反應時間亦不會使得整個電泳式顯示器的顯示品質降低太多。所以,未來可以由材料、驅動波形以及電極的形狀進行搭配並優化,以得到高品質之電子紙。
We proposed a lateral observation method for mechanism understanding. The lateral observation method could observe the particle position and measure the parameters of driving characteristics such as drifting speed, particle packing, and bistability lost. In lateral direction, there was no information shielding by the other particles which were closer to the light source in vertical observation. The slow response time, non-perfect bistability, and improvable extreme state were issues in electrophoretic display system. We could find out how the internal electric force affected those issues and make a solution. On the other hand, the lateral driving method provided us another way to switch images. Using lateral reset could be a non-flicker reset for comfortable reading and enhance the transition time by separation the particles. Furthermore, dual side driving could build up a total different electric field in the same electrode for applications. Single side driving could fine tune the lightness by the curved and weak electric field. Double side driving could coarse tune the lightness in a short time. The number of gray levels and short term bistability could be increased.
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