標題: 消費者對不同產品數字命稱的反應
A Study on The Reaction of Numeric Brand Name to Different Products Feelings
作者: 王雅萱
Wang, Ya Hsuan
Huang, Ren Hong
關鍵字: 產品種類;產品屬性;品牌數字命名;Product categories;product attributes;numeric brand name
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在越來越多商品充斥的年代,品牌越來越為重要,因為品牌不僅僅代表一個產品,亦代表其所包含的意義。近幾年來許多企業也以含數字性品牌名稱對產品命名,因此這也漸漸成為一種流行趨勢。而因為品牌命名和產品間的關係密不可分,故本研究欲探討不同產品的品牌命名方式是否會影響消費者對於產品的觀感。 本研究以休閒鞋、檯燈、外套、手機來作為受測的產品,並且在根據不同的產品作不同的命名時,來區分是否對於產品命名感受會有顯著的影響。藉由線上問卷的調查方式來蒐集,並採用因素分析、變異數分析等統計方法,對資料進行分析。研究結果顯示,功能導向的產品,較適合以含數字性品牌名稱的方式命名,而情感導向之產品,則不適合以此方式命名。最後並討論此一研究結果對產品未來命名上的影響。
Brand names are increasingly important, because they are not only on behalf of products, they also contain their meanings. Recently, companies name their products with numeric brand name becoming popular. Because the relationship between brand name and product are inseparable, this research tests the feelings of numeric name on the different products brand name. In this research, casual shoe, lamp, coat, mobile phone, are our test products, and different numeric names depending on the product attributes. We use factor analysis, analysis of variance and other statistical methods for data analysis. The results show that the function-oriented product is more suitable for numeric brand names, but emotion-oriented products are not suitable for this way of naming a brand name. Finally, provide suggestions for further research.