標題: 影響機車駕駛人配合紅燈怠速熄火意願之研究-以新竹地區為例
Exploring the factors influencing the motorcyclist’s willingness to idle stop on red light-A case study of Hsin-chu region
作者: 陳昇陽
關鍵字: 紅燈怠速熄火;知識;風險感認;計劃行為理論;結構方程模式;Idle stop on red light;Knowledge;Risk perception;TPB;SEM
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來溫室效應等環保議題受到重視,然而台灣地狹人稠,機動性高的機車成為民眾最依賴的代步工具,機車發動及行駛的同時卻也排放產生污染廢氣危害環境。若機車在怠速情況下熄火,便能夠減少CO、CO2等氣體之排放與油耗。在歐美等先進國家皆已制訂怠速熄火之政策,以規範怠速熄火所產生之汙染。而我國在路邊怠速熄火部分,已有法令開始推動規範,但在紅燈怠速熄火方面,因為無法經由警察取締,故只能透過政府及媒體宣導觀念,推廣使民眾自發性遵從。本研究以計劃行為理論為基礎探討國人對於紅燈怠速熄火行為的觀感,並加入了環保知識、機車知識、風險感認等影響變數,透過問卷的方式分析影響民眾採取紅燈熄火行為意願的主要因素。本研究在新竹地區隨機抽取至385位有效受訪者樣本,利用結構方程模式分析確認知識確實會影響個人對怠速熄火的態度,而風險感認對態度及知覺行為控制皆有影響。並發現年長的機車駕駛人較不願意怠速熄火,而教育程度低的受訪者對怠速熄火的態度較為低落,尤以高中和大學學歷間的落差更為明顯。
The issue of global warming has been valued in recent years. In Taiwan, a densely populated country, motorcycles are the most popular transportation because of its mobility. However, starting and riding motorcycles can simultaneously generate emission. To reduce the pollution, idle stop serves as a strategy. Western countries have enacted several bills relating to idle stop in reducing pollutants. Taiwan adopted legislation that idol stop is required on the roadside; nevertheless, idle stop on red light is excluded for the difficulty of enforcing a ban on it. The present study explores the factors influencing the motorcyclist’s willingness to idle stop on red light based on the TPB model, knowledge, and risk perception through a self-designed questionnaire. 432 participants were randomly selected from Hsinchu, Taiwan. A completed questionnaire was returned by 89% of them (N=385). A series of structural equation analyses indicates that knowledge and risk perception both exhibit significant influences on the behavior of idle stop. The result shows that the behavior of idle stop has significant differences between the young and the elder riders. Also, it indicates that the level of education will affect the willingness on the behavior of idle stop.