Title: 設計加護病房病患緊急狀況的團隊狀況察覺資訊輔助
Information Design for Enhancing Team Situation Awareness of Patient Emergency Situation in Intensive Care unit
Authors: 王睿伯
Wang, Ruei-Bo
Hsu, Shang-Hwa
Keywords: 資訊輔助介面;狀況察覺;團隊狀況察覺;integrated information display;situation awareness;team situation awareness
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 病患緊急狀況意指病患發生突然的外在或生理狀況變化,護理人員必須即時進行處理,否則可能延誤病患的照護進度,甚至可能造成病患永久的危害,因此,病患緊急狀況的發生是加護病房(Intensive care unit, ICU)照護中最直接影響病患安全的重要事件,為了有效控制病患緊急狀況並且進一步增進病患安全,病患緊急狀況的處理往往必須仰賴醫護人員即時的狀況察覺以及人員間彼此的協同合作以維持團隊的狀況察覺。因此,欲發展適用於各醫護人員的整合性資訊輔助顯示,最重要的工作就是必須了解各人員從監測病患緊急狀況發生到穩定病患狀況的資訊與認知作業需求,讓醫護團隊成員皆能夠掌握病患狀況變化,達成一致的治療與照護目標。本研究主要利用分散式認知的概念分析,確認出醫護人員在病患緊急狀況的資訊需求以及人員作業時可能產生的人因問題,後由分析出的結果進行資訊輔助介面的雛型設計,最後利用使用者評估來驗證資訊輔助介面是否能夠幫助增進醫療團隊在病患緊急狀況下的團隊狀況察覺。
Patient emergency situation arises when patient suffer from sudden change of physiological. To put the patient emergency situation under control and further increase the patient safety, paramedic has to maintain situation awareness and the collaboration between team members to maintain the team situation awareness. Maintaining situation awareness would require necessary information and effective representation of these information. This study uses the framework of the cognition work analysis to identify information needs and the human factor issue in patient emergency situation, then developed an integrated information display for this situation. The results of user evaluation indicated that this integrated information display could improve the team situation awareness for medical team members under patient emergency situation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis