標題: 雲端運算數據機房熱管理系統之建構
Constructing a Management System for Thermal Management of Cloud Computing Data Center
作者: 許茂信
關鍵字: 雲端運算;數據機房;散熱管理;回饋系統;Cloud Computing;Data Center;Thermal Management;Feedback System
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 提供雲端運算 ( Cloud Computing )服務之資訊業者必須將分散各處的電腦機房集中管理,以有效的進行電腦運算與資料儲存,然而設備高度集中化會使得機房內的熱能密度提升,因此有效排除這些熱能才能確保雲端運算數據機房正常運作。若能根據發熱量的變動對散熱量做彈性的調整,即能有效利用資源並達到節能的效果,但以人為的方式來調節散熱量相當困難,因此需發展一套能自動根據發熱量來調整散熱量的智慧型散熱管理系統。過去針對數據機房建構自動化散熱回饋系統之相關文獻大都只針對局部或特定的散熱裝置而設計,然而隨著機房冷卻技術的發展,越來越多新的散熱技術被採用,所需考量的可控散熱裝置也隨之增加,因此本研究之主要目的為針對擁有多種可控散熱裝置之雲端運算數據機房,建立一套有效之散熱管理系統,使散熱系統能迅速針對發熱量調整散熱系統之參數。本研究最後利用一個雲端運算數據機房實際案例資料建立熱管理回饋系統,並以模擬之數據驗證本研究所提出之方法確實有效可行。
For more efficient computing and data storage, the IT industry which provide cloud computing service shoud centralize management of computing equipments. However, a high degree of centralization will enhance the thermal density inside the data center. The heat must be excluded in order to ensure the normal operation of data center. Flexible adjustment of heat dissipation according to heat change can achieve effective use of resource and energy-saving. However, it is difficult to adjust heat dissipation. Therefore, developing a intelligent cooling management system to subjectively and flexibly adjust heat dissipation according to the heat change is an effective method. Previous studies are only focused on partial or specific cooling device control. With the development of cooling technology, more cooling device should be considered. This study aims to construct a management system to effectively adjust the heat dissipation for a cloud computing data center which has a variety of cooling device. A real case from a cloud computing data center and a set of simulated case are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.