Title: 從人因感測到快速客製化:以原型椅為例
From Measuring to Rapid Customization: A Prototyping Chair
Authors: 羅崢瑋
Lo, Cheng- Wei
Hou, June-Hao
Keywords: 人體工學;大量客製化;參數模型;原型模型;ergonomics;mass customization;parametric model;prototype
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 現今因為電腦輔助設計、製造和參數化設計的技術已經相當成熟,應用在建築、工業設計和其它領域中已非常普及。工業產品已經可以大量製造和客製化,但現今我們日常生活周邊物件,凡是有關人體尺寸的產品,如椅子、桌子和衣櫃等,大體上都不是依據個人的尺寸量身訂製的,而是設計師依據大眾的人因尺寸而設計的傢俱,這些傢俱尺寸並不適用於所有消費者,大部分的消費者只能從大賣場或傢俱商買到工廠已經大量製作完成的傢俱,而並非從市場上購買到專屬又快速的客製化產品。 實際上,這些大眾尺寸的傢俱不能夠完全滿足個別使用者日常上活上使用上的機能與尺寸。但如果使用者去訂製傳統的客製化傢俱,往往出現的狀況是價格昂貴,費時與成果不如預期。所以傳統的單一客製化傢俱並不常見於日常生活中。既然電腦輔助設計與製造和參數化的技術已經被運用在多項領域中,並且依據參數化與生產機具的特行,目前大量客製化日常生活物件的現象應該是可以普及的。 所以本論文以椅子設計流程作為實現日常物件客製化的例子,提出從感測人體尺寸到消費者參與椅子設計的流程,到最終製作出一張實體的客製化椅子。感測人體尺寸的部份會製作出一張原型感測椅;目的在於把使用者的身體資訊擷取下來當作參數化模型上的參數因子。配合使用者自行調整參數模型和原型感測椅上的造型,使用者可以充分的參與在客製化流程中的設計、反覆的修改模型和預視即將完成的作品。 最終,本論文嘗試不同方式的組裝結構與不同材質來呈現客製化椅,依據使用相同的模型,模型是使用者自行調整所產生出來的,目的在於運用已經存在的技術來達到個人化的日常物件,把目前客製化的流程加以改善,讓每個消費者能夠都能參與設計,設計出以往會使用許久並且符合個人身體尺寸的作品。 關鍵
Today, the computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and parametric design are applied in the architecture or industrial field everywhere. Product can be mass customized. However, daily objects are not fitting to every customer or customized for individual person. Customers can only select the product, which is mass production from factories, in front store. Traditional customized process is expensive and time-consuming, that makes it is not common for now days in front store. Therefore, this paper will present a rapid customized design process which is included a prototype of chair with sensor to obtain the information from customers to produce a rapid customized product. Moreover, users can determine the parameters in parametric model with their individual feature. Since the emerging of computer-aided design, designers can trace out more smooth and graceful outline than ever. To achieving precise fabrication, they can also adjust the outline in the 3D software repeatedly. After confirming the works, a prototype model is manufactured to do the ergonomics adjusting by designers. Then, the modification will get the ball rolling in 3D software back and forth. Compromising designers’ concept and modified prototype, the computational data could flow of considerable standardized productions subsequently. A sensor embedded chair was taken as a prototype, and those sensors will record the data and transmit to the computer when the subjects change their sitting posture, for instances, back side angles, chair height, and the outline shapes with preferences. In the mean time, the virtual model can be changed after receiving those data. Later on, the preview of appearance with transforming will follow by designers choose one of diverse fabricate model, like tessellating, folding, forming or contouring in 3D software. Inputting the manufacturing information to the synchronized fabricating model, designers could restrict the materials, moldboard size and procedures. As a result, outputting these data to the manufacturer, they could construct a modified chair in customization.
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