Title: 利用社群媒體增進企業協同合作提昇競爭力-以T個案公司為例
Using Social Media to Improve Enterprise Collaboration and Productivity in Foundry Semiconductor Industry- A Case Study of T-Company
Authors: 李益青
Lee, Yi-Ching
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 半導體產業;晶圓代工;社群媒體;SWOT分析;Semiconductor Industry;Foundry Industry;Social Media;SWOT Analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 全球半導體正面臨成長趨緩及摩爾定律已達物理極限的艱困挑戰,這是一個「成長趨緩,競爭增加」的時代,尤其晶圓代工產業在Intel、三星電子及Global Foundries等強勁競爭對手加入戰局後。然而,整合製造元件公司 (IDM) 委外代工的新趨勢,卻又為它帶來一線新曙光。 本研究從Albert S Humphrey的SWOT分析理論,探討新興技術社群媒體如何對於晶圓代工產業的未來趨勢與競爭策略發生影響。經由個案公司問卷調查,探討以個案公司所擁有的資源與能力,如何結合最有利的外部機會,提出晶圓代工產業如何利用社群媒體來創造競爭優勢,以供業界參考。 本研究的主要發現:台灣晶圓代工服務公司採用企業社群媒體應用與協同運作應用的主要優勢(Strength)為「社群媒體的使用能提升公司內部協同作業效率,增加其競爭力」、「社群媒體協同式的企業運用能提供公司更即時與多樣性的資訊溝通方式」、「社群媒體協同式的企業運用能提供公司更好的知識管理,促進知識加速累積與生產力的提升」;主要劣勢(Weaknesses)為「目前社群媒體的應用,若無適當的管理機制,可能會引發犯個人隱私權的問題」、「目前社群媒體電腦安全監控機制未臻完善,於企業內推廣社群媒體的使用,會造成個案公司的經營風險」、「新進同仁缺乏整合性的資訊呈現方式,內容包括文字、圖像、影音,致使學習效果不符管理團隊期望,無法早日投入有效生產行列」;主要機會(Opportunities)為「企業社群媒體應用協同運作功能能擴大至客戶端進行積體電路協同設計,縮短整個產品開發時間」、「開放式軟體(Open Source)提供了一個建構社群媒體企業應用具有成本效用的解決之道」、「軟體公司提供的套裝軟體具備社群媒體應用協同運作功能以及提供與內部企業軟體整合功能,具有快速建置之優勢」;以及主要威脅(Threats)為「網路上的病毒軟體、釣魚程式對於企業開放社群媒體應用與協同運作,會造成企業網路安全威脅」、「全球暖化及節能減碳新趨勢,使企業必須採取更多保護地球措施,如採用企業社群媒體應用協同運作減少出差,以維持企業綠色形象」。同時,本研究亦提出具體實作之策略建議與企業價值,能增加未來導入的成功機會,提昇整體企業競爭力。
The global semiconductor industry is facing difficult challenges of growth slowdown and Moore's Law is reaching its limit. This is a tough time of “slow growth and increased competition", especially the foundry industry where the strong competitors like Intel, Samsung Electronics and Global Foundries jump into this battlefield. However, the new trend of IDM outsourcing opens a ray of hope. The adoption of social media can improve overall efficiency of enterprise collaboration and it helps exchange information in a more real time and varied way; hence, it improves its competitive advantages. Taking circuit design as an example, foundry provider can collaborate with his customer for the design verification. Besides, it can capture the knowledge that's currently living inside your employees' heads, their inboxes, and buried deep within shared documents. By creating a real-time enterprise social network, it becomes a central hub for information-sharing and knowledge management. Combined with Open Source software or package solution, it is very promising for value creation. On the other hand, we need to pay attention to the following aspects for its implementation: a) management rule for personal privacy b) information and network security management for risk mitigation. In this study, we explore the future trend and competitive strategies of the foundry industry by the rise technology of social media and enterprise collaboration via Albert S. Humphrey SWOT analysis theory. A global semiconductor foundry company is selected as a study case company. The Taiwan-based foundry company with the resources and capability they have can further leverage the most favorable external opportunities to find out the best competitive strategy as a reference for the industry. The result indicates that the implementation of social media has positive impacts on people productivity, knowledge management and management effectiveness and can serve a reference model for other enterprises' adoption.
Appears in Collections:Thesis