标题: 台湾期货业西进大陆的利基与挑战
The Niches and Challenges for Taiwan Futures Industry Entering the Market in China.
作者: 谢孟龙
Hsieh, Meng-lung
Chen, An-pin
关键字: 两岸金融监理合作瞭解备忘录;两岸经济合作架构协议;台湾期货业;大陆期货市场;MOU;ECFA;Taiwan futures industry;China futures market
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 在国际经济竞争日愈激烈的商业活动中,世界各国为了维持竞争优势,相继以
商业结盟的方式来固守其经济利益。台湾政府与中国大陆分别于2002 年1 月1 日
及2001 年12 月11 日,加入世界贸易组织。根据加入WTO 所做的承諾,组织成
员将遵守世贸组织和服务业贸易总协定(General Agreement on Trade Services,
台湾与中国大陆于 2009 年11 月16 日签署“两岸金融监理合作瞭解备忘录”
(Memorandum of Understanding,简称MOU),更于2010 年6 月29 日签署“两
岸经济合作架构协议”(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,简称ECFA),
为大陆认可之境外交易所 (二)促进两岸商品、交易所、期货商交流合作 (三)开放
In the commercial activities in an increasingly competitive international economy,
to maintain competitive advantage, countries around the world successively solidified
their economic advantages by forming commercial alliance. Taiwan's government and
mainland China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in January 1st, 2002 and
December 11th, 2001 respectively. In line with the commitment made to join WTO,
members of the organization will comply with rulings of various related agreements
made by the WTO and General Agreement on Trade Services (GATS) phasing out
various controls over a five-year period and opening its financial services market to
other countries. Cross-Strait financial system reform is now facing new challenges.
Taiwan and China signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) in November
16th, 2010 and they further signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement
(ECFA) in June 29th, 2010. The exchanges and cooperation of financial industries
across Strait have entered a new era. On the developing history and developing status of
futures industries across Strait, this study investigates and analyzes the current markets,
systems, and problems of futures industries across Strait and serves as a reference for
Taiwan futures industry entering the market in China.
The trade and economic relations across Straits have existed for a period of time. In
the process of this major assets adjustment, how can Taiwan’s financial industry base
itself in Taiwan, enter the market in China, and look the whole world? Promoting
cross-strait peace to cooperate for a win-win situation is the only way and the only goal
as well. In conclusion, there are four-point proposal: (1) Push Taiwan Futures Exchange
to be approved foreign exchange in China. (2) Promote interflow or cooperation of
cross-strait commodities, exchanges, and futures companies. (3) Approve the Mainland
capital to invest in Taiwan’s futures market to promote stable growth of financial market.
(4) Seize the opportunity from cross-strait integration and cooperate to create market