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dc.contributor.authorLiu, Chen-Chihen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, An-Pinen_US
dc.description.abstract自2000年以來,網際網路的發達,使得電子商務市場在台灣能全面的普及,並快速的成長。消費者幾乎很容易就可透過網路購買到他們日常生活上所需的用品。顯然的,我們可以看到,目前大多數的消費產品,為了吸引消費者的關注,都在網路上投入大量的廣告資源,以建立產品的形象和知名度。此外,大部分的產品也都可以透過網路來購買。經由網際網路來行銷的好處是,不僅可減少行銷通路的投入成本,也可以直接立即地接收到顧客的反應。 由於汽車的使用循環壽命較長,大部分購車的客戶都會考慮到經銷商通絡的銷售人員來購買新車,並獲得售後服務。本論文在研究利用電子商務在網路購車過程的可能性。且透過本研究,我們想了解目前已經在職的潛在客戶,如果也有機會在網站中購買新車,經由汽車製造商所提供的解決方案,是否可以提高他們在網路上購買車子的願意,以及他們所關心的網路購車的相關議題。此外,我們也以大學部在學的同學來作問卷調查,作為網路購車方案的對照組,研究兩者間的差異,並分析這群潛在顧客在未來購車時所關注的議題。 總之,本研究有可能是汽車行業中在電子商務的最後一里目標,很明顯是來自於網路資訊的普及與技術資源的共享。汽車製造商若能朝網路購車的電子商務領域來發展,將有可能在汽車產業中獲得長期成功的優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThough the internet is more popular and full coverage in Taiwan, resulted in the e-commerce market is growing sharply since 2000. Consumer could almost purchase what they want of their daily life through the internet. Obviously, we could see now most of the consumer products invest the most resource of advertising on website to attract the consumer attention and build up the products awareness and image. Moreover, most of products can be purchased through the internet. The benefit through the internet business is not only reducing the channel investment cost but also can get the immediate and direct response from customer. Due to the long-term cycle life of car, most of customer would consider to approach the sales person on dealer network to purchase a new vehicle in order to get the service after purchase. This thesis intends to study the possibility of e-commerce of the new vehicles purchase process. Through the research we would like to understand what the current potential customer who have already had work currently concern if they have the opportunity to purchase a new vehicle in website and what kind of solution provided by automaker can enhance their willing to purchase from internet. In addition, here we also survey the college study group to benchmark the difference and foresee the future potential new vehicle buyer concern when purchase a new vehicle. In conclusion, it might be the last mile in automobile industry to go to the e-commerce and it will be more and more obviously due to the information and technology sharing from internet. The pilot automaker to hit this field may gain the long term success and advantage in automobile industry.en_US
dc.subjectOnline shoppingen_US
dc.subjectNew vehicle salesen_US
dc.subjectQuestionnaire surveyen_US
dc.titleFeasibility Study of the New Vehicle Sales through E-commerce to Customers in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis