標題: 蘋果破壞式創新之影響:中小尺寸面板應用之手持消費性電子裝置之分析
The effect of Disruptive Innovation of Apple: A case study of hand held devices with small and medium sized display
作者: 簡嫻雯
Chien, Hsien Wen
Chung, Hui-Min
關鍵字: 破壞式創新;顯示器產業;蘋果公司;服務型生態系;disruptive innovation;display industry;Apple Inc.;ECO system
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 自從Steve Jobs於重回蘋果公司之後所領導的一系列創新以來,蘋果公司的成就不僅只反映在其產品的受歡迎程度以及蘋果公司股價之外,甚且對整個現代社會的生活、工作方式,對使用電子產品以及運用資訊的方法以及觀念,都造成了相當程度的改變。影響所及,使得許多電子產品的相關產業,包括顯示器、觸控模組、乃至於系統單晶片(SoC)等等關鍵零組件,以及系統、整機的設計組裝製造等等供應鏈,全部都有顯著的改變。 本文主要探討蘋果的創新模式為何?為何在蘋果推出其iPhone、 iPad產品之後,其他硬體大廠並非沒有能力製造類似規格甚至超越其表現的產品,可是卻沒有任何一個例子可以與蘋果產品的占有率相抗衡,因而形成了”第二名之後的比賽”。本研究指出了這是屬於破壞式創新的典型例子,蘋果公司利用高階破壞式創新的手段,成功的推出了在硬體規格突破,並且搭配完整的產業生態系統(ECO System),因而造就了成今日的蘋果盛況。在本文的文獻探討中,詳細敘述了創新的種類以及其特性;蘋果的成功正好可以驗證高階破壞式創新的理論。本研究即試圖針對台灣曾經是兩兆雙星產業之一的顯示器產業當中,與蘋果產品的主要顯示尺寸(即iPhone與iPad所採用之中小尺寸)面板產業當中,包括顯示器、觸控面板、控制IC等等,並且同步分析中國、日本與韓國相關產業當中,所面臨的同樣問題,與其各自所採取的因應策略。 最後,本研究並提出一簡單的結論,一個成功的破壞式創新的價值是驚人的回饋;而展望未來,網際網路、智慧行動裝置和雲端運算等技術整合,產業的脈絡將由線性的產業供應鏈變成一個多向交織的服務型生態系(ECO System),系統內不再是直接上下游的關係,而是從系統內之關聯服務得到利潤之整合系統,而消費者則是從中取得服務並獲得滿足。以蘋果的思維與布局來看,個人化的服務趨勢與理念將是所有產品核心的價值,對於擅長以水平展開分工、達到成本下降的台灣傳統科技製造商而言,若還是以同樣的思考模式一味的快速複製跟隨,則無法達成真正的創新,台灣企業必須思考如何將原本的產業供應鏈加值而後延伸為產業價值網,以應用系統與服務強化產業創造新的商業模式。
The great success of Apple Inc. does not only help Apple Inc. climbing to the top of stock exchange market but also bring a large scale change to the industry – including display, touch module, SoC as well as the whole value chain of system design, manufacturing (OEM and OEM services providers). This study aims mainly on the “innovation model” of Apple Inc. For what reason those other big names can’t get even close market shares? This is a competition of “number 2”. This study proves the success of Apple Inc. is a typical model of “High Level Disruptive Innovation”. Apple perfectly conducts a high level disruptive innovation, brings to the market products with most advanced hardware spec yet associates its distinguished business model – app store. The study analyzes the system of different innovations and illustrates their different characteristics. Finally this study takes the Apple story as an example to explain this analysis. Apparently the influence occurs – the whole industries faced their choices: to go with Apple or just leave it and fade away. This study analyzes the mid and small sized display industry; see how the players survive in this mega change. The new world people take hand-held devices as just a display console; all the data computed are done at “cloud”. A company will gain its share by providing fundamentally hardware and an integrated service which combines all associated values, services, products, and so on. Consumers will only be satisfied with the ECO system since they will always be offered with enough choices of hardware. In this case, Taiwan has to develop its new survival concept and pull itself out of the old model of “mass production, low cost and fast”. Taiwan has to leverage the strength of Japan and the market of China so to compete against Korea.


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