標題: 汽車業第三方物流績效評價指標之研究
A Study on Performance Measures of 3PL Providers in the Automobile Industry
作者: 佟廣傳
Tung, Kuang-Chuan
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 台灣汽車產業;第三方物流;績效評價指標;層級分析法;Taiwan Automobile Industry;Third Party Logistics;Performance Measures;AHP Method
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 汽車產業除汽車製造廠外,還包括上游數萬種零件之供應商及下游經銷據點和保修廠,是一個相當龐大的產業體系,佔有多國工業產值舉足輕重的地位。隨著汽車相關物流活動的複雜化與專業化,「汽車業第三方物流」服務公司應運而生,提供運輸配送、倉儲管理、流通加工等專業化的設備、知識與服務,可協助企業提升物流供應鏈水準,降低非生產性固定成本,使企業集中資源於發展核心事業。因此評選合適之第三方物流業者,作為物流委外之合作對象,顯得十分重要。 本研究即以汽車業第三方物流業者為研究對象,透過文獻探討、專家訪調、重要性分析及層級分析等方法,萃取產、官、學界專家之意見,發展出一套客觀之評價方法,並產出具體的指標權重評量表,供汽車業者做為評選物流委外伙伴之工具,亦可做為第三方物流業者發展核心能力和改善績效的重點,期能使汽車物流供應鏈體系之運作更有效率,強化整體汽車產業競爭力。 本研究最終得出的五大關鍵績效評價構面及構面下23項指標之整體權重彙整如下: 一、顧客服務構面 (構面下5項指標之整體權重為36.1%) 二、企業能力構面 (構面下5項指標之整體權重為26.1%) 三、作業效能構面 (構面下7項指標之整體權重為13.5%) 四、管理效能構面 (構面下4項指標之整體權重為13.4%) 五、人員設備構面 (構面下2項指標之整體權重為10.8%)
The Automobile industry involves not only the vehicle manufacturers but also the upstream component manufacturers, downstream dealers and repair shops. It is a fairly large system and plays an important role in industrial output of many countries. With the complication and specialization of auto-related logistics activities, many third-party logistics (3PL) service providers came into being. They offer their customers the specialized equipment, knowledge and services including transportation and distribution, warehouse management and distribution processing, etc. A good 3PL provider can help an enterprise improve its supply chain logistics, reduce non-productive fixed costs, and enable it to focus its resources on developing core competencies. Therefore, how to select appropriate 3PL providers as logistics outsourcing partners is extremely important. The objective of this research is mainly focused on 3PL providers in the automobile industry. It captured expert opinions from industry, government, and academic experts through literature review, expert survey and importance analysis. Analytic hierarchy process approach (AHP) was applied to develop an objective evaluation method and a specific rating scale with performance appraisal indicators and weights. This evaluation tool can be used not only to select logistics outsourcing partners by vehicle manufacturers but also to develop core competencies and improve performance of priority items by 3PL providers. The findings of this research eventually yielded five key performance appraisal dimensions and twenty three secondary indicators which can be summarized as follows: I.Customer Service Appraisal Dimension (Overall weights of five indicators: 36.1%) Ⅱ.Enterprise Capability Dimension (Overall weights of five indicators: 26.1%) Ⅲ.Operational Efficacy Dimension (Overall weights of seven indicators: 13.5%) Ⅳ.Managerial Efficacy Dimension (Overall weights of four indicators: 13.4%) Ⅳ.Personnel and equipment Dimension (Overall weights of two indicators: 10.8%)
Appears in Collections:Thesis