Title: 組織不公平、人格特質與離職傾向及工作滿意關係之研究
The Relationships between Organization Injustice and Personality Traits and Turnover Intention and Job Satisfaction
Authors: 鄭遠智
Keywords: 組織公平;離職傾向;工作滿意;五大人格特質;權力需求;自我監控;內外控;Organization Injustice;Turnover Intention;Job Satisfaction;Big-five Personality;Needs for Power;Self-monitoring;Locus of Control
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究之研究目的為探討組織不公平、人格特質與離職傾向和工作滿意之關係,並以人格特質如親和性、神經質、責任感、權力需求、自我監控及內外控作為調節變項,藉以觀察人格特質是否可顯著調節組織不公平與離職傾向和工作滿意之關係,期望研究結果能提供企業組織一些實務上的參考價值進而促使組織妥善制定激勵制度以降低人員流動率並落實優秀人員的留任。 本研究以組織內一般員工作為研究對象,並以問卷調查方式進行資料收集。總共發出250份問卷,實際回收227份,回收率90.8%,扣除16份無效問卷,共計211份有效問卷。資料分析以階層迴歸法檢驗本研究之假說,結果發現:組織不公平與離職傾向有顯著正向關係;組織不公平與工作滿意有顯著負向關係;神經質、外控型人格特質與離職傾向有顯著正向關係;神經質、外控型人格特質與工作滿意有顯著負向關係;親和性、責任感與離職傾向有顯著負向關係;親和性、責任感、權力需求與工作滿意有顯著正向關係;親和性、神經質、責任感、權力需求、自我監控及內外控人格特質對組織不公平與離職傾向和工作滿意之關係無顯著調節作用。
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationships between organization injustice and turnover intention and job satisfaction and how personality traits including as agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, needs for power, self-monitoring and locus of control will moderate these relationships. The results will provide organizations knowledge about how to reduce turnover rate and retain their good employees. Employees from various industries were sampled and data were collected by questionnaire survey. Two hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed and 227 were returned with a returned rate of 90.8%. After excluding 16 incomplete questionnaires, a total of 211 remained. Hierarchical regression was used to test our hypotheses. It was found the organization injustice had a significant positive relationship with turnover intention. Organization injustice had a significant negative relationship with job satisfaction. Neuroticism and external locus of control were found to have a significant positive relationship with turnover intention. Neuroticism and external locus of control were found to have a significant negative relationship with job satisfaction. Agreeableness and conscientiousness had a significant negative relationship with turnover intention. Agreeableness and conscientiousness and need for power had a significant positive relationship with job satisfaction. We also found that all six personality traits did not moderate the relationships between organization injustice and turnover intention and job satisfaction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis