標題: 台、日自動倉儲設備廠商在台經營的策略分析
The Business Operations of Taiwanese and Japanese AS/RS Vendors in Taiwan : A Strategic Approach
作者: 謝志沛
Hsieh, Chih-Pei
Li, Rong-Kwei
Li, Chang-Chung
關鍵字: AS/RS;智慧型自動化設備;一般策略;五力分析;AS/RS;Smart automatic equipment;Typical strategies;Five forces analysis
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 我國自動化設備產業的發展主要分為二階段,第一階段在 1981 年至 2009 年間,主要以製造業領域為主,逐步由低成本的工廠自動化,朝向結合電腦整合製造,發展的重點主要為大量生產、降低製造成本、減少對於人力依賴。為擴大我國智慧型自動化設備產業後續發展,政府將推動由2010年至2020年相關自動化設備產業產值由0.87兆元提升至2.6兆元,全力推動第二次產業自動化發展。   自動倉儲系統(AS/RS,Automatic Storage/Retrieval System)的應用在台發展已普及且技術成熟,早期的自動倉儲僅提供倉儲貨物存/取貨功能,在加入倉庫管理系統(WMS,Warehouse Management System)後,並結合Barcode與RFID..等智慧化元件產品後,使倉儲更精簡人工及提高運載效率,可為企業節省營運成本。而自動倉儲系統在台灣已有多家競爭者,高效能的自動化物流設備需搭配有實務物流經驗的廠商才能展現出廠商的物流綜效能力,而各家廠商著重技術發展與經營策略對於採購者或客戶更為顯要。   因此本研究藉由專訪台、日自動倉儲設備廠商在台經營發展史,再經由文獻回顧與搜集,選定Poter(1985)競爭策略與五力分析模式設立研究架構與操作變數,使用專家訪談方式及問卷統計分析出台、日自動倉儲設備廠商在台經營的策略分析進行差異比較。最後再根據分析的結果提出相關建議,作為個案公司未來經營方向與相關採購者的參考依據。 關鍵字:AS/RS、WMS、智慧型自動化設備、一般策略、五力分析。
In the The development of the automatic equipment industry is primarily divided into two stages. The first stage is between 1981 and 2009, development mainly occurred in the manufacturing industry, gradually evolving from low-cost factory automation to computer integrated manufacturing. The focal point of development was mass production, lowering manufacturing costs, and decreasing reliance on labor. In order to expand subsequent development of the smart automatic equipment industry of Taiwan, between 2010 and 2020 the government will promote relevant production value of automatic equipment industries from 0.87 trillion NT Dollars to 2.6 trillion NT Dollars, devoting everything to the second wave of automatic development of industries. Development of the application of Automatic Storage/Retrieval System (AS/RS) is prevalent and technically mature. Early automatic storage/retrieval only provides for functions of storage/retrieval of goods in inventory. However, after the addition of Warehouse Management System (WMS), and combined with smart component products such as Barcode and RFID, inventory has become more labor-efficient and has increased the capacity efficiency, which can save operational costs for corporations. In Taiwan, AS/RS already has several competitors. High efficacy automatic logistics equipment needs to be complemented with vendors that have practical logistical experience to demonstrate the composite logistical abilities of vendors. It is more important for various vendors to focus on technical development and operational strategies for purchasers or clients. Thus, this study interviews the Taiwanese and Japanese vendors of automatic storage/retrieval system to understand their history of operations in Taiwan. Then, it uses literature review and collection, selecting Porter’s (1985) competitive strategies and the five forces analytical model to establish research frameworks and operational variables. Expert interviews and statistics from questionnaires are used to conduct a strategic analysis of differences between the operations of Taiwanese and Japanese automatic storage/retrieval systems vendors in Taiwan. Finally, suggestions are proposed based on the analytical results to serve as a referential basis for the case company in its future management and for relevant purchasers. Keywords: AS/RS, WMS, smart automatic equipment, typical strategies, five forces analysis.