Title: 整合企業資源規劃系統與工作流程管理系統以增加企業流程效率-以A公司為例
Case Study of Enhancing Business process efficiency through the Integration of ERP and WorkFlow
Authors: 曾華泰
Tseng, Hua-Tai
Tsai, Min-Jen
Keywords: 工作流程;企業流程;WorkFlow;Business Process
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 台灣的電子業早期是以歐美等大廠HP, IBM, Apple, NEC and Dell代工生產(OEM)為主。隨著企業的競爭及歐美等大廠不斷的壓縮利潤下,企業為了生存與發展,變更為全球化的企業已經是目前企業的趨勢。企業在全球化後,企業的組織分佈在全球各地。企業在全球化的環境中,如何讓企業的協同運作能更有效率,企業流程的扮演一個重要的角色。 工作流程管理系統與企業資源規劃系統都是重要的企業資訊系統。這兩種資訊系統都是用於企業在跨組織的企業流程自動化、資料傳送及資訊共享的工具。本研究以台灣電子OEM廠A公司為例,由於組織的擴張,許多部門散佈在全球致使企業流程的協同運作缺乏效率。為了改善企業流程的效率,A公司整合了工作流程系統與企業規劃系統。在系統整合後,企業流程除了在效率上有更好改善外,並且讓企業流程能更快速及有彈性以因應企業的需求。此論文的結果可提供其他企業對於企業流程效率的改善及後續改進建議的參考。
Taiwan's electronics industry is used to behave the role of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for international companies likeHP, IBM, Apple, NEC and Dell. Under the global competition with thin profit, it is getting more and more difficult for enterprises to maintain the continuous growth of business. In order to servive under such a huge pressure, many enterprises in Taiwan have learned to globalize with lots of overseas branches. Therefore, the business process plays an important role to support the management levelandcoordinate the activities for the whole enterprise. Workflow Management System (WfMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system are important IT systems in the enterprise. Both systems focus on the automation of business processes, data transfer, and information sharing across the organization. In this study, Taiwan's electronic OEM company A,due to the expanding of organization, many branches are located all over the world and makes the collaboration of business becomes inefficient than before.In order to improve the efficiency of business process, company A integrated Workflow Management System (WfMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Through the integration of both systems help to improve business processes of company A more efficiently and adaptable for business needs.The results of this research will provide other enterprises a reference for improving business process with research suggestions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis