標題: 機場服務失誤與補救措施對顧客滿意度之關聯分析-以臺北國際航空站行李手推車為例
Relationship Analysis between Customer Satisfaction and Airport Service Failure and Recovery Measures: A Case Study of Baggage Carts at Taipei International Airport
作者: 郭光華
Kuo, Kuang-Hua
Feng, Cheng-Min
Wu, Pei-Ju
關鍵字: 機場服務失誤;服務補救;顧客滿意度;認知公平;行李手推車;Airport Service Failure;Recovery;Customer Satisfaction;Justice Theory;Baggage Carts
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 由於服務本身的特質(無形性、異質性及不易分割性等),並且服務失誤係由顧客主觀認定的,造成服務失誤幾乎無法避免,使得民間企業極為重視服務失誤補救,並將其視為提升顧客滿意度及維持競爭力的關鍵。此外,目前過內機場的服務品質或顧客滿意度,較諸國外先進國家(地區)機場存有相當落差。為提升我國機場服務的顧客滿意度,本研究嘗試運用認知公平理論觀點,分析我國機場服務失誤與補救措施對顧客滿意度之關聯,並以臺北國際航空站(松山機場)行李手推車服務失誤為探討實例,採虛擬情境實驗設計法,設計問卷並蒐集整理後進行驗證分析。研究結論獲得在不同的機場行李手推車服務失誤及補救措施後,顧客對補救之滿意度,除受「服務認知與期望之差異」影響外,同時也受到認知公平(分配公平、程序公平、互動公平)的影響。機場管理者如能就不同的機場服務失誤,採取適當及正確的補救措施,將使顧客對認知公平產生較佳的評價,進而提升顧客滿意度。
Because of service industry characteristics, such as intangibility, heterogeneity, non-separation etc., and the service failure which was judged by customers, service providers have difficulty avoiding service failure. In the event of service failure, consumers usually react negatively. Thus, companies must undertake strong and effective recovery efforts. However, if companies expect to maximize service recovery, they must clarify customer expectations of service recovery. Additionally, customer satisfaction for airports in Taiwan is worse than elsewhere. This study aims to analyze the relationship between customer satisfaction and airport service failure, and measures recovery using the case of baggage carts at Taipei International Airport. This study is based on the concept of justice theory, and employs experiments involving four scenarios, comprising the service failure context and three recovery measures. The experimental results show that the expectancy disconfirmation and the perceived justice of customers are significantly affected by various airport service failure and recovery measures, and influence customer satisfaction. The study findings also provide airport authorities with useful guidelines to promote customer satisfaction following airport service failure and recovery.
Appears in Collections:Thesis