Title: 台灣電動車零組件廠進入中國大陸電動車市場策略之研究
The study on the China EV’s market entrance strategies for EV supply chain in Taiwan
Authors: 陸齡霜
Lu, Ling-Shuang
Yuan, Benjamin
Keywords: 電動汽車;零組件廠;策略聯盟;Electric vehicles;Components factory;Strategic alliance
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 在綠色節能趨勢下,未來全球汽車產業將向電動汽車邁進。中國大陸,不置可否仍為全世界最大的汽車市場亦是迫切發展電動汽車。然而,汽車的電動化,意味著汽車產業鏈結構的變革。本研究將探討台灣電動汽車零組件廠商進入中國大陸電動汽車市場之機會,台灣可藉與國外大廠實際供貨經驗、示範運行、研發資源整合和兩岸政策及相對優劣勢,歸納可能性之合作模式,以利縮短中國電動車產業量產化之時程及開拓台灣電動車零組件廠之規模,可為台灣零組件廠商與中國整車廠提供參考。
The global automotive industry forwards to develop electric vehicles (EVs) in future under the trends of energy-efficiency. Definitely, China is still the largest automotive market in the world and develops the electric vehicles actively. However, the electrification of the vehicles means the revolution of car’s industry structure. This study draws on the opportunity of EVs’ components factory in Taiwan access to EVs’ market in China. To generalize the possible cooperative model for EV industry is based on the experience of the actual delivery to foreign car plants, demonstration runs, integrated R&D resource in Taiwan, the cross-strait policy, and the complementary advantages. The result can be predicted to shorten the duration which EV is conducted to the production in China and expand the market scale of EVs’ components factory in Taiwan, and provide a reference for the components factory in Taiwan and the EV plant in China.
Appears in Collections:Thesis