Title: | 客庄天主教耶穌會的發展與變遷─以老湖口天主堂為例 The Development and Transition of Catholic Church in Hakka Manor─A case of MARYTHEQUEEN Church in LaoHuKou |
Authors: | 江細珠 Chiang, His-Chu 羅烈師 Lo, Lieh-Shih 客家文化學院客家社會與文化學程 |
Keywords: | 天主教;耶穌會;湖口老街;慈善事業;信仰;Catholicism;Jesuit;Street;charity offering;religious |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 天主教在台灣素有「麵粉教」或「奶粉教」的稱呼,顧名思義就是天主教早期在傳教過程中會發放麵粉、奶粉……等的民生物質,這種有動機的信仰,似乎不太堅固。本研究以老湖口天主堂為研究範疇,藉由文獻蒐集和實際的田野調查,探究天主教耶穌會在湖口老街的擴張與衰退原因,期望可以呈現天主教在客庄的發展與變遷風貌。
研究結果顯示天主教耶穌會可以在湖口老街萌芽發展的主要因素,是為湖口老街帶來救濟品、惠眾儲蓄互助社與興辦多所幼稚園等多項慈善事業;而可以繼續深根發展的因素,則是因為帶來了內在心靈感動與外在周遭環境配合。研究結果亦顯示天主教耶穌會結束一切教務的原因為教堂位置遷移、失去社會救助功能、幼稚園的關閉、傳教人員人手不足、新湖口天主堂滿足了湖口地區宗教與社服方面的需求、沒有信仰的誘因、經濟起飛人口遷徙、社會環境的變遷、升學主義盛行與民間信仰根深蒂固。 Catholicism has a hypocorism like flour denomination or milk denomination in Taiwan. as implied by the name, the Catholicism to preach religion will provide the flour or milk to popularize. This faith motivation was very unstable. This study was discuss the LaoHuKou as a model to analysis the expansionism and recession of Jesuit of Catholicism in HuKou street by paper review and field investigation. Anticipation to show the development and of Catholicism in Hakka manor. This study divide into seven chapters, in the introduction, introduced the specific aims, materials and methods and range in this research. Chapter 2, Jesuit in HuKou, discusses the Jesuit evangelization history from China toHuKou. Chapter 3 introduced Mary The Queen Church in LaoHuKou, show the full view between 1953 to 1993. The chapter 4 and 5 discussed why the Jesuit can evangelization in . The chapter 6 shown the feeble of Jesuit inLaoHuKou. The discussion summary the results, aims, and Chapter 7 to anticipate the conclusion. Our study show the main results of the Jesuit can evangelization and development in LaoHuKou by alms, many charity offering and soul touching. Our study also show that the feeble of Jesuit inLaoHuKou by people migration, society transition, civil faith. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50953 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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