標題: 家庭網路的相關議題與解決方案
Issues and Solutions of the Home Automation Network
作者: 陳宇佐
Yu-Tso, Chen
Chi-Chun, Lo
關鍵字: 家庭網路;遠端操作與管理;網路位址轉換;服務品質保證;HAN;Remote Operation and Management;NAT;QoS
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 人類社會是一個動態變化的大環境,近幾年來由於資訊科技與網路技術的高度發展與應用,使得產業活動與人類生活因而產生相當大的變化。面對網路家庭化的變革趨勢,家庭網路(Home Automation Network,HAN)已被視為網際網路的延伸,成為未來相當重要的資訊應用平台。許多號稱與家庭網路相關的標準及技術不但已被陸續提出,而且也已經在產官學界被熱烈地討論著。然而,截至目前為止,家庭網路的定義及協定架構,無論在學術領域或產業發展上,遲遲無法達到認知及實作上的一致。 本論文以家庭網路架構為研究核心,以家庭網路的相關議題為探討細項,內容除了描述近幾年來家庭網路在學術界與產業界的發展現況外,並根據現況與發展趨勢的剖析,提出一套以TCP/IP為基礎,適合資訊家電進行合理運作的分散式家庭網路架構。本文所提出的家庭網路架構,由Residential Gateway、Room Manager及Managed Information Appliance組成,在此架構下,進一步探討與家庭網路密切相關的議題,包括:遠端操作與管理、網路位址轉換與服務品質保證。 在遠端操作與管理部分,透過簡單網路管理協定(Simple Network Management Protocol)及代理人(Agent)技術的搭配,家庭網路能提供穩固的遠端操作與管理功能;在網路位址轉換部分,本論文提出一套針對家庭網路特性,修改自Realm Specific IP的機制—Realm Specific IP for HAN(RSIPH),RSIPH能在兼顧安全通訊的需求下完成網路位址轉換;在服務品質保證部分,本論文提出一套根據家庭網路中資訊家電使用之行為特性為依據的封包分類方法(Behavior-oriented Service Classification,BSC),並提出一套適用在家庭網路的緩衝區管理機制(Class-based queuing Priority Buffer Management for HAN,CPBMH),透過BSC及CPBMH的搭配,家庭網路能針對資訊家電操作特性提供合宜的服務品質保證。
The home automation network (HAN) has become an important research topic for the past few years. Standards and technologies of HAN have been proposed and frequently discussed in both academic and industrial circles. In this thesis, a distributed home automation network architecture is proposed. This architecture consists of three components:residential gateway, room manager, and managed information appliance. Issues and solutions based on this HAN architecture, including remote operation and management, network address translation (NAT), and quality of service (QoS), are discussed. To remotely operate and manage an information appliance on HAN, intelligent agents are used to carry out operation and management functions. As to the management aspect of HAN, the simple network management protocol of the Internet is adopted. As for NAT on HAN, a modified version of Realm Specific IP, called Realm Specific IP for HAN (RSIPH) is proposed. As for QoS, we propose a behavior-oriented service classification for IA and suggest a novel buffer management scheme, called the class-based queuing priority buffer management for HAN (CPBMH), to enforce QoSs on HAN.
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