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dc.contributor.authorHsin-Hsun Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorCheng-Min Fengen_US
dc.description.abstract由於台灣地區土地資源有限,部分城際專業物流業者,常因市區理貨與倉儲場站土地取得不易,以及因交通擁擠導致配送時間不容易掌控等因素,造成業者整體營運績效及服務品質受到影響。台鐵雖面臨高鐵營運通車衝擊之際,但卻擁有完整之環島路網、設備、專用路權以及物流業者所需珍貴的土地資源。基於配合政府永續運輸政策之推動,暨顧及追求整體社會福利最大化與整體運輸資源有效運用之考量,將台鐵與物流業者合作之「城際複合物流運輸」概念予以具像化,並藉由財務、經濟等層面之分析結果,探討「城際複合物流運輸」所蘊含之政策意涵,實具有其研究之必要性與重要性。 本研究首先針對「城際複合物流運輸」主要參與者包括:運送者(台鐵、物流業者)與管理者(政府),說明其關心之課題,進而架構「城際複合物流運輸」之概念性模式,之後透過本研究所訂定之必要準則,初步篩選出鐵路轉運中心之候選區位,再者以滿足顧客之需求為前提,按照決策者決策觀點之不同,依是否考量運輸外部成本之情境,分別構建「城際複合物流運輸鐵路轉運中心最適區位」多目標數學規劃模式。 經由實例分析結果發現,在未考量運輸外部成本時,「城際複合物流運輸」確實具有財務利潤。本研究運用權重法求解,在給予台鐵目標與物流業者目標相同權重下,16個鐵路轉運中心候選區位中,以樹林、新竹、台中、台南、高雄、宜蘭、花蓮、台東等8個車站,較合適作為鐵路轉運中心之設置位址;透過物品運送路徑指派結果發現,因主線鐵路運輸快捷與準點之特性,公路物流集配送部分,以選擇供給地至起運鐵路轉運中心間,及到達鐵路轉運中心至顧客需求點間之最短路徑作為物品運送路徑,其運送成本較低,且可滿足顧客限時送達之要求。另在考量空氣污染與交通事故等運輸外部成本時,發現「城際複合物流運輸」亦具有其經濟效益。 另藉由「城際複合物流運輸」與「城際公路物流運輸」在財務面與經濟面之比較分析發現,「城際複合物流運輸」之財務利潤低於「城際公路物流運輸」,然經濟效益則較「城際公路物流運輸」為高。依據前述研究結果,本研究進一步探討「城際複合物流運輸」在政策方面之意涵,並根據上述各項分析與討論結果,提出相關之結論與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the limited land resource in Taiwan, it’s difficult to obtain a logistics center in city for logistics companies. The logistics company’s performance and quality of services are affected by the uncertain delivery delay resulting from traffic congestion. In face of the competition of high-speed rail system in 2005, Taiwan Rail Administration (hereafter TRA) seeks opportunities to survive. TRA owns completely round-island network, facilities, exclusively right of way, and the land resource that logistics companies lack. To promote sustainable transportation policy and pursue maximizing social welfare, it’s necessary and important to address the idea of “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” by integrating TRA and logistics companies together. To discuss the meaning of “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” from the results on financial and economics aspect is also important. After explaining those issues that the stockholders of “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” concerned, the conceptual model is constructed. Employing the criteria drawn up in this study, the candidate locations of Rail Transshipment center (RTC) are prescreened initially. Given the customer’s demand this study proposes two kinds of optimal location model of RTC for intercity intermodal logistics transportation based on the consideration of external cost or not. The empirical results without the consideration of external costs show that “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” has financial profits. This empirical study uses the weighting method to find solutions. By assigning the same weights to TRA and the logistics companies, the results are as follows: Eight RTCs, namely those in Shulin, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Ilan, Hualien, and Taitung, are selected from the 16 candidate RLT locations. Through freight routes dispatching, it is found that transportation cost is lower when the shortest routes from the source point to departure RTC and from the arrival RTC to demand point are selected for transportation. The route selected is able to satisfy the customer’s demand for time-sensitive delivery. In the other model when the transportation external costs are involved, the results show that “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” has economic benefit. By comparing the results between “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” and “intercity highway logistics transportation” on finance and economic aspects, it is found that “intercity intermodal logistics transportation” has lower financial profits, but higher economic benefits than “intercity highway logistics transportation”. This study finally proposes conclusions and suggestions according to the findings obtained.en_US
dc.subjectintermodal logistics transportationen_US
dc.subjectlocation selectionen_US
dc.subjectexternal costen_US
dc.subjecttransshipment centeren_US
dc.subjectmulti-objective programmingen_US
dc.titleDevelopment and Application of Optimal Location Model of Rail Transshipment Center for Intercity Intermodal Logistics Transportationen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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