標題: 台北市高架道路型態規劃之研究
A Study on the Planning of Elevated Road Types in Taipei City
作者: 陳忠實
Chen, J. S.
WAng, C. F.
關鍵字: 台北市;高架道路
公開日期: 1981
摘要: 台北市政府為了改善市區內的交通擁塞問題,自民國63年起,即研訂快速道路系統發展方案,並依實際需要,就快速道路系統部份予以高架,用以改善路況、增加道路面積,進而疏解交通。惟因在道路型態上,未曾做較為週密的規劃,致使各高架路段,呈現各自發展的局面,無法充分發揮整個高架道路系統的運輸功能,同時,對於增加道路面積的預期亦打了折扣。因此,如何規劃適宜的高架道路型態,乃促使進行本研究的原因。 本研究首先以現有文獻中,有關台北市各主要道路之交通量指派結果為依據,參酌國內外現有高架道路型態,依照規劃原則,提出規劃替選方案,並就方案及現有型態間之交通功能分析與比較,再以系統分析的方法,依訂定之評估準則,予以評估,選出最佳型態方案。最後,以研究所得結果,提出對台北市高架道路型態之改善規劃與未來之發展研議,以供有關當局參考。
For improving the congestion of the urban traffic, the Taipei Municipal Government has studied and drawn up a development Project for the construction of express ways system since 1974. At the same time, according to the actual requirement, some of the systems are elevated, in order to improve the congestion and increase the road areas. As the type and pattern of such roads have not been planned perfectly, such elevated road systems appears to develop individually without a thorough planning so that the transportation function cannot be fully carried out to a marked effect. Meanwhile, the expected increase of road areas is greatly affected. Hence, how to plan a proper blueprint of such elevated roads is the cause to initiate this study. First, based on the result of traffic assignment of the main thoroughfars in Taipei from the existing files, consulting and comparing with the type and pattern of such elevated road in foreign countries as references, this study is going to produce alternative projects according to the drawing up principles. It is then to analyse and compare the traffic functions with the existing road patterns, along with the method of system analysis, to evaluate them with the evaluation criterion for selecting the best project. Finally, with the result of this study, we shall prepare a conclusion of the improved road pattern for the Taipei Municipality and its future development for the reference of the autrorties concerned.
Appears in Collections:Thesis