Title: | 東部走廊陸上運輸系統改善之研究 Study on the Improvement of Landj Transportation Systemj in Taiwan East Corridor |
Authors: | 鄭慶祥 Cheng, Ching-Shyang 陳武正 Chen, Wu-Cheng 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 東部走廊;運輸系統 |
Issue Date: | 1981 |
Abstract: | 東部地區花蓮、台東兩縣,因地形而造成之南北向陸上運輸走廊,由於北迴鐵路之通車,及即將拓寬完成的東線鐵路,加上正鳩工興築的南迴鐵路,將使本運輸走廊往昔公路獨佔之局面有所改觀。然而鐵路發展是有一定的限度,倘若鐵路之服務水淮維持不變,當鐵路達到其飽和限度時,則其運量勢必轉移至公路上。因此,如何提高公、鐵路之服務水準,以增加運輸能量,使公,鐵路之競爭趨於合理,進而更能因交通建設之改善,以加速東部地區之開發,是為本文研究之重要課題。
本研究在大眾運輸交通量推求方面,嚐用運輸方式抽象化模式(Abstracl Mode Model)( 簡稱抽象模式)來分析預測未來十年(預測基準年為民國六十九年)內,本運輸走廊之陸上客運交通量;在小客車及貨運交通量推求方面,則參照運輸計劃委員會民國六十九年「台灣地區公路建設報告(四)-公路交通需求分析與預測」中,有關貨運量之調查資料,及鐵路局之貨運流量月報表,加以整理,併同客運交通量,得總交通量。最後利用上述交通量,做為未來十年內本陸上運輸走廊應改善者之依據,並以益本比法,評估所擬之改善方案,以供有關單位參考。 The Central Mountains divides the Taiwan Island into two parts---Western Area and Eastern Area. These two parts are different in geography, socioeconomy, and demogrphy etc. The Eastern Area contains two counties---Hua Lien Hsien and Tai Tong Hsien, almost covering 25% of the total area of Taiwan, but is sparsely settled and has only 5% of the island's total population. The most part of the Eastern Area is uncultivated for it has no convenient and rapid transportation system to connect with the Western Area. Now this situation will be changed. North-Link Railway was opened in February,1980. Widening of the Eastenr Railway and constructing Southern-Link Railway are being done. these new transportation constructions will contribute a good service to this area, and then cause a transportation competition between railway and highway. So, how to improve the service level of railway and highway, how to make an equilibrium competition between railway and highway, and how to develop the area by means of the construction of the new transportation system are very important. For the above mentioned reasons, one of transportation planning methods---"Abstract Mode Model " is fitted for corridor transportation and will be used in this thesis to establish a modle and forecast the amount of travel demand of this area within future ten years. By this forecasting travel demand, we can assess the service level of the land transportation system, and then suggest several plannings for improving the system in the area. Finally, benefit-cost ratio of those plannings under different percent discount will be analyzed for deciding an optimum improvement planning. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/51592 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |