Title: 公車路網規劃方法之研究
A Study on Planning Methodology of Bus Network
Authors: 施媺媺
Shei, Mei-Mei
Wang, Chuan-Fang
Keywords: 公車路網;交通量指派原理
Issue Date: 1982
Abstract: 公車素為各都市之主要大眾運輸工具,其路線型態之良窳影響系統營運績效頗巨。往昔,公車路線之規劃多無科學方法或理論依據,故規劃得之路網常有缺失。基於此,本文首先探討公車路線規劃之一□原則與影響公車路線規劃之因素,再應用交通量指派原理及網路分□□巧,發展出五種公車路線定線之合理方法計有:循環路線掃瞄法、□□循環路線掃瞄法、循環路線簡捷法、非循環路線簡捷法與非循環□□接法。為比較此五種定線方法之特性,本文乃定義五種評估公車路網績效之指標,即路網直接性指標、路網服務效率指標、路網重複性指標、路網密集度指標與路網彎繞度指標。並以一簡例說明五種定線方法所規劃得之公車路網績效,經評估結果顯示循環路線比非循環路線有較佳之路網績效,且以掃瞄法規劃得之總路網績效為最佳,簡捷法次之,直接法最差。最後,本文嘗試以循環路線簡捷法進行台北市公車路網之規劃,其結果比現況路網優越,顯示本文發展出之公車路線方法具有實用價值。
Bus Transit has long been the most important public transportation mode in Tanwan however, due to the routes are not so well-designed on the basis of any scientific methodology, the netowork performance for the bus system is usually poor which results in low level-of-service for the Bus transit passengers.
This paper presents five heuristic algorithms for bus routes alignment-by using the traffic assignment concetpts and network analysis theories, They are circular-route sweeping algorithm,noncircular-route sweeping algorithm, circular-route simples algorithm, noncircular-route simlpex algorithm and noncircularroute direct algorithm to evaluate the network performance resulted from these five algorithm, five indices are defined and a numerical example is illustrated in this paper. It is shown that the network performance is better for the circular-route than that for the noncircular-route, and the sweep algorithtm has the best network performance while the direct algorithm has the worst result. In order to demonstrate the applicability of these algorithm, an application of circular-route simplex algorithm to Taipei City Bus network design is presented as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis