DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract圖形化介面(GUI)是人與資訊產品溝通的方便橋樑,也是現在各種軟硬體廣為使用的,包括在行動電話的螢幕介面上。由於彩色手機多元化的功能發展、多彩的顏色顯示、多種尺寸螢幕與豐富的內建功能,使其操作介面的設計已經不能用過去單色且單純的介面顯示與設計原則來套用。設計者必須將手機功能資訊分類,從使用者認知與使用習慣、符號學理論、色彩應用原則、介面設計原則,去思考並設計出有使用親和性的彩色手機操作介面與符號圖案。以避免因為過多的功能項目與錯誤的設計,而導致使用者迷失或挫折感。以目前市面上的手機主選單設計來看,不論是選單功能項目的定義,或是符號與視覺設計方面,各品牌均沒有一致的標準。導致使用者常常對圖像或符號辨識產生疑惑與混淆,並對手機使用產生挫折感。尤其以彩色手機介面而言,過多的設計元素與手法所帶給使用者之感受,常會有很大的差距。本研究將以彩色行動電話螢幕上,主選單符號設計之識別度與偏好度為主要探討議題。蒐集各品牌不同的主選單符號樣本,藉由混淆矩陣測試了解每個符號的辨識率高低。再透過符號的圖形可理解程度、美感表現與偏好度調查,利用單一樣本t檢定做資料分析,找出達到標準之符號樣本。未達標準者,重新檢討並提出符號設計,最後提出一套同一風格之主選單符號設計,以供未來彩色手機主選單功能符號設計之參考。 結果顯示,具有抽象概念的主選單功能名稱及符號,在辨識率、圖形可理解程度、美感表現與偏好度的表現較不理想,例如:『情境設定』、『通話記錄』、『附加功能』等。而較有具象概念的主選單功能名稱,其符號在辨識率、圖形可理解程度、美感表現與偏好度的表現較為理想,例如:『電話簿』、『照像機』等。在符號設計原則部份,得到下列結論:1.使用具象的隱喻所設計的符號,其辨識率較高,整體表現也較好。2.使用者較為偏好有立體感或是有陰影設計的符號。3.符號色彩的表現以鮮明且對比清楚為佳,但整體搭配必須是調和的。4.主選單功能命名必須容易理解。另外,符號的圖形可理解程度、美感表現與、偏好度之相關係數結果,三者間的相關性都很顯著,其中『偏好度』與『美感表現』的相關係數較高(.945)。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract GUI(Graphic User Interface) is the communication interface between human beings and 3C products, and has been used generally both on software and hardware interface design. It’s the same situation for cell phone. Due to more and more rich function, color display, various dimension of LCM for cell phone, the interface design rules of single display LCM has been not satisfied with customer. The GUI designer has to find out what are the customer used to, the theory of icon design, color scheme, and interface design principles, and then he could get good design concept and icon design. User would not get lost or be discouraged on navigation for cell phone. There is no standard design principle for menu tree, interface and icon design of cell phone. It will cause user’s confusion and disappointment due to incorrect design. Too much elements and skills will make a gap between user and product, especially for color display cell phone. This research will focus on analyzing preference and identification of main menu icon design on color display of cell phone. The purpose is to understand the performance of each icon by the way of collecting different icon design of several kinds of brands, confusion matrix, comprehension, aesthetic, and preference of icon. For the test result, we use One Sample T-test to analyze the data and find out standard icon samples. For those can’t reach the standard, we have to review and redesign. And we have to propose one set of icon design with the same style to provide design principle for icon design on color display of cell phone in the future. We can see the performance is not satisfied for those main menu function with abstract concept, example for 〝call record〞and 〝extra〞functions .On the other way, the performance is better for those with concrete concept, example for 〝phone book〞and 〝camera〞functions .We got some principles for icon on cell phone: 1.The performance and identification will be better if we use concrete concept to design icon. 2.Users prefer icon design with 3D effect or shadow. 3.The color scheme has to be harmonizing and vivid. 4.The naming of main menu functions has to be easy to understand. In addition, it’s obvious for the correction of comprehension, aesthetic, and preference of icon, especially to aesthetic and preference.(.945)en_US
dc.subjectmobile phoneen_US
dc.titleThe Main Menu Icon Design on Color Display of Cell Phoneen_US


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