標題: 遠端直接記憶體存取機制的系統的實作
An Implementation of Remote Direct Memory Access
作者: 蔡嘉泰
Chia-Tai Tsai
Rong-Hong Jan
關鍵字: 記憶體直接存取;遠端存取;Memoey Direct Access;Remote Access
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 近幾年來,隨著網路的發展,網路頻寬已經從10M bps成長到100M bps,現在已經有10G bps網路環境。影響網路頻寬的因素,已由網路硬體,移到網路協定軟體. 在傳統的架構之下,當封包在不同協定層中傳遞時,會發生許多次的資料複製,有許多增進效能的研究,致力於改善資料複製的問題。在本篇論文中,我們將實做一個新提出的遠端直接記憶體存取 (Remote Direct Memory Access RDMA)網路協定,RDMA這是一個能夠將資料直接搬移到指定的記憶體位址的網路協定,來達到減少資料複製的發生。結果顯示利用RDMA方法在傳遞封包大小較大的封包時,能夠很有效的增加傳輸頻寬. 我們發現RDMA協定適用在傳遞封包較大的環境下,效能將會有相當大的增益。
With the increase of network bandwidth from 10M to 10G bps, the factors that affect network system performance have found to be relevant with Network Protocol. In traditional architecture, the packets are copied among different protocol layers, before they are transmitted. The data copy consumes many recourses and leads to system inefficiency. However, few studies concern about increasing system efficiency from this point of view. In this thesis, we implement a new Network Protocol, called as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), which can move data packets to a specific memory address. Therefore, the system performance can be improved. Numerical results show that RDMA can achieve a better performance if the packet size is large.


  1. 350101.pdf

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