标题: 行动广告结合多元媒体对消费者广告态度之影响
The Impact of Combining Mobile Advertising with Multimedia on Consumer's Attitude
作者: 薛佩双
Pei-Shuang Hsueh
Jen-Hung Huang
Her-Jiun Sheu
关键字: 行动广告;媒体整合;多元媒体;广告态度;广告效果;Mobile advertising;Media integration;Multimedia;Ad attitude,;Ad effect
公开日期: 2003
摘要:   随着无线网路与行动通讯的流行,行动广告成为与消费者沟通的新管道。相较于传统媒体广告,行动广告具有直接接触消费者、个人化、适时、适地等特性,但碍于个人隐私权、安全性、确实性等问题,目前大多数的消费者仍对于行动广告抱持保留的态度。因此这个新市场虽然充满许多商机,但系统业者或厂商仍积极寻找能更有效发挥行动广告效果之行销策略。


  本研究主要结论显示:(1) 消费者对拉式行动广告态度、广告效果皆高于推式行动广告,其中以搭配平面媒体广告为最佳。(2) 消费者接收行动广告意愿与搭配媒体所感受之确实性有显着相关;使用程度则与资讯性较有显着相关。(3) 消费者对媒体广告态度与结合行动广告之广告态度有显着相关。因此,系统业者或厂商可依不同之行动广告发送形式或接收族群特性,研拟适当的媒体整合策略,有效改善消费者之广告态度,提高广告效果。
  With increasing popularity of wireless network and mobile communication, mobile advertising has become a new communication channel with consumers. It includes direct, personalized, and location-based contact with consumers. Most consumers, however, have reservation about mobile advertising because of privacy, security and creditworthiness reasons. Mobile operators and companies are exploring effective marketing strategies to amplify the effect of mobile advertising.

  This study combines mobile advertising with multimedia to find out the relationship between advertising attitude and effect. The mediating effect of mobile communication and media experience of consumers have been taken into account. Hypotheses are analyzed via statistical techniques including: descriptive statistics, Cronbach α, MANOVA, factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis.

  The major findings of this study include: (1) Consumers prefer pull mobile ad and the advertising effect to those of push mobile ad, especially the synergy between mobile ad and printed ad. (2) Consumers’ receptivity to mobile ad is significantly related to its reliability. In addition, the degree of usage is more likely to be linked with the informativeness. (3) Consumer’s attitude towards advertising in media and combining with mobile ad are correlated significantly. Hence, mobile operators and companies should find suitable media-integrated strategies depending on different sending types or receiving clusters. To improve consumer’s ad attitude and ad effect more effectively.


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