Title: 製造業建立策略標竿之研究--以我國積體電路產業為例
Strstegy Benchmarking in Manufacturing - An Empirical Study on IC Industry of Taiwan
Authors: 陳獻清
Hsien-Ching Chen
Rong-kwei Li
Keywords: 策略規劃;競爭能力;製造策略;策略標竿;Strategy Planning;competitive ability; Manufacturing Strategy; Strategy Benchmarking
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本研究係以積體電路製造廠商為對象,運用問卷調查及統計分析之方法,
競爭能力。 研究主要在探討 IC 產業競爭能力關鍵因素之指標、未來
對於製造策略,採取適當行動,以取得競爭優勢,達到全球性 IC 製造競
This research deals with the promotion of IC industry
competitive ability in the function of manufacturing, The study
is done by survey and statistical analysis, In order to make
strategy planning and activities, key competitive capabilities
are used do index to compare the IC industry in Taiwan with the
related IC industries in Japan and U.S.A. Thus,the capabilities
importance, manufacturing's objectives and the action plan are
acquired. Furthermore,it provides the manufactures with the
recognization of their strength and weakness in competitive
ability and then provides them the manufacturing strategies to
participate in the global benchmarking in IC industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis