標題: 從財務觀點探討資訊通路商經營之關鍵成功因素
A Study on Key Success Factors of Information Technology Channels from Financial Perspectives
作者: 陳玲娟
Ling-Chuan Chen
Dr. Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 關鍵成功因素;通路;經營型態;Key Success Factor;Channel;Business Model
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 資訊產業是全球重要的產業之一,其產品之應用甚為廣泛。伴隨著國內資訊產業蓬勃發展以及資訊產品的日新月異,製造商不斷地推陳出新,提升資訊產品的品質、速度以及功能,資訊產品生命週期愈來愈短,再加上顧客的需求也逐漸朝向少量多樣化,資訊通路商所扮演的角色就更加重要了。 專業通路商的存在,主要提供產業下游經銷商技術性服務與產品的供應,不僅節省經銷商倉儲、物流、行銷與售後服務的各項成本,還能有效降低庫存風險;而對上游製造商,則可以提供瞬息萬變的市場訊息。 近年來,由於資訊產業上、下游通路成員不斷地積極擴展,下游經銷商對於整體存貨的風險控管、後勤管理以及技術支援的需求也愈來愈重視,中間通路商如果無法因應轉型成為高效率的經營者,將會遭受到不適者淘汰的命運。 面對外在環境的劇烈變動,加上競爭者眾的情形之下,資訊通路商究竟需要掌握哪些關鍵成功因素才能脫穎而出,值得深入探討。 本研究將以資訊通路經營者為主要的研究對象,選擇四家個案公司,透過財務分析的方式與通路商經營型態之對照比較,探討國內資訊通路商經營之關鍵成功因素,廠商的取捨及個別獨特之處以維持其長久的競爭優勢,並且成為同業中的領導廠商。
Information Technology (IT) industry is one of the most important industries in the world. The IT products are widely applied in our life. With the prosperity of IT industry in Taiwan and the quickly changes in IT products, the manufacturers have been developing continuously to improve the quality, speed and function of IT products. Channels have played a more critical role because the life cycle of products became shorter and customers bought smaller quantity with diversity than ever. IT channels provide distributors technology services and products. They not only save the costs of warehousing, distributions, marketing and after-services of distributors but also reduce the risks of stocks. In addition, IT channels provide latest marketing information to manufacturers so that the manufacturers may produce and prepare products accordingly. IT channels expand their business continuously in the past few years; distributors pay more attentions to the risk control and management of overall stocks, logistics management and technology support. IT channels have to improve themselves to be highly efficient players. Facing the severe environment changes and the numerous competitors, IT channels have to master their key success factors in order to survive and prosper. This study focuses on the IT channels and selects four companies for conducting financial analysis and comparison of their business models. From the key success factors of operating IT channels, what trade-off has to be made is important to the top management. Unique and fit activities thus can be determined and re-enforced to sustain IT channels’ competitive advantages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis