DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHung-Ching Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorGin-Yuan Leeen_US
dc.description.abstract無線區域網路(WLAN)市場已經成長四年,許多WLAN晶片設計公司在此市場奮戰求生存,也都在尋找適當策略來增強其競爭能力。本論文期能針對此議題提供解決之道。 本論文旨在研究WLAN晶片設計產業的現況及預見未來發展的趨勢。以技術整合能力及快速開發新產品著稱的Broadcom公司為分析個案,並以802.11x系列的產品為研究對象。藉由WLAN市場、外部環境因素及企業能力的分析結果,提出一些適用於其他WLAN晶片設計業者的競爭策略。本研究相關發現如下: 1. 技術面 (1) SoC為主要發展方向,在擴張技術版圖的同時,可經由合併或購併取得核心技術。 (2) 製程技術得以整合,其目的在大幅降低晶片組成本,提高獲利。 (3) 雙頻的晶片組整合技術可以增加傳輸量及使用者數量,符合市場需求。 2. 產品面 (1) 新產品迅速推出並率先進入市場,享有先行者優勢並對追隨者築起進入障礙。 (2) 提升產品創新能力與建構完整產品線,較容易享有高利潤,也較易獲得大廠青睞。 (3) 結合WLAN的消費性電子產品已成趨勢,早投入產品開發,易建立競爭優勢。 3. 市場面 (1) 消費性電子市場將成主流,預估到2008年,含有WLAN的消費性電子產品其出貨量將佔整體WLAN產品出貨量的39%,此目標市場非常明確。 (2) 亞太新興成長地區為未來重要的市場。預估2005年至2009年亞太區域半導體市場營業額的年複合成長率為17.9%,遠高於全球半導體市場的12%。 (3) 透過策略聯盟與大廠合作,共同開發WLAN應用產品軟硬體,已成趨勢。不僅能迅速擴大客戶基礎,更能拓展產品的應用市場。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWireless LAN market has been growing in the last 4 years. Many WLAN IC design companies struggle the survival in this market and all search for suitable strategies to increase the competitive capability. This thesis is expected to provide solutions for this issue. The research is conducted to study the current situations of the WLAN IC design industry and foresee its future development trends. Broadcom, a company which is famous of its integration capability and rapid product development, is selected as the target company and the 802.11x series products were the target product. WLAN market, external environment factors and company’s capabilities were analyzed specifically. Based on the results of these analyses, several competitive strategies are suggested, which are also applicable to other companies in the WLAN IC design industry. The observations and recommendations from this research are as follows 1. Technology Aspect: (1) SoC becomes the primary developing path. The core technology can be obtained by mergers and acquisition while a firm expans its technology territory, (2) Manufacturing processes can be integrated. The purpose is to reduce the chipset cost and raise profit, (3) Dual band chipset integration technology is capable of increasing data transmission rate and user. Dual band chipset satisfies the market needs. 2. Product Aspect: (1) New products with short time-to-market will lead market with first-mover advantage and create entry barrier to the followers, (2) Once a firm enhances its product innovation capability and creates a complete product line, it’s easier for a firm to make a superior profit and favor important customers, (3) Integration of WLAN and consumer electronics product has become a trend in the market. Therefore, ealier participation in product development tends to establish competitive advantage. 3. Market Aspect: (1) Consumer electronics will be the main stream market. The shipments of consumer electronics which embedded WLAN feature is anticipated to 39% of total WLAN product shipments in 2008. This is a very clear market for target, (2) Emerging Asia Pacific region will be an important market. The estimated CAGR in Asia Pacific semiconductor market is 17.9% from 2005 to 2009 which is higher than 12% in worldwide semiconductor market, (3) The mutual software and hardware development of WLAN application product has become a trend in the market by the way of the strategic alliance with important customers. Not only expands customer base quickly, but also extends product application market.en_US
dc.subjectIC Design Industryen_US
dc.subjectCompetitive Strategyen_US
dc.subjectFive Forces Analysisen_US
dc.subjectSWOT Analysisen_US
dc.titleThe Competitiveness Analysis of WLAN IC Design Industry-A Case Study of Broadcom Corporationen_US


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