Title: 中文報業電腦化使用者之研究
The research of users of Chinese newspaper computerization
Authors: 潘國正
Kou-Cheng Pan
Lin-Lin Ku
Keywords: 中文報業;電腦化;使用者;中國時報;;Chinese newspaper;Computerization;Users
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract:   本研究對中文報業電腦化過程中影響新聞記者使用電腦的態度和行為 之變數進行探討; 以中國時報地方新聞中心所屬的 183 位記者為研究對 象進行問卷調查,共回收 149 份問卷, 佔母體的 81.96% ,其中有效問 卷為 141 份。本研究結果發現: (一)組織成員在電腦化過程(系 統性能、組織氣氛、教育訓練和工作改變)中和對電腦化態度與行為之關 係部份。 系統性能、組織氣氛、教育訓練和工作改變和使用者對報社 電腦化態度大體上均呈正相關,即認為系統性能佳、組織氣氛佳、教育訓 練好和工作改變小者,其對電腦化態度是傾向支持的。 系統性能、組 織氣氛、工作改變和教育訓練大體上均和使用行為呈正相關,唯系統性能 中的操作簡易和使用錯誤、使用速度、使用效益是負相關,即認為操作簡 易者其使用錯誤高、使用速度慢、使用效益低,這可能是和手寫文稿比較 的結果。 (二)人口變項中的年齡、年資、職位、學習經驗和整體態 度及初期態度均未達顯著水準,即沒有顯著差異。 (三)研究結果顯 示組織成員對電腦化的初期態度是傾向有疑支持慮和抱怨,但整體態度上 是支持報社電腦化政策。 (四)各自變項對態度和行為所進行的逐步 迴歸分析所預測的情形,大致上相關分析中呈現顯著者均落入逐步迴歸的 模式中。 (五)本研究結果顯示使用者利用電腦打稿後對寫稿時思考的 連貫性的影響頗為明顯;對文稿內容和品質的影響尚不是十分明顯;對使 用者的生理上則有明顯影響,諸如視力因而不住,腰酸背痛的反應亦十分 強烈,同時也顯示了使用者的寫稿速度較手寫文稿為慢,平均減緩了三十 八分鐘。 中文報業需要電腦化的原因是追求「延後截稿,提前出報」 ,利用爭取出來的時間讓記者和編輯有更多的時間思考,使新聞的品質更 佳;其和一般企業電腦化的目的本質上是相同的,即降低成本,增加效益 和提高品質,本研究屬於開創性的研究,希望有助於未來進一步研究的踏 腳石。 The thesis was a discussion on the influence of computerization in the Chinese newspaper industry and the effects it may have on reporters' attitutes and behavior. Results of the research are as follows:@ The computerization procedure (including system function, organization atmosphere, education trainning, work exchange) had a significant impact on attitudes and behaviour of members of the organization. Most reporters were initially worried about the transition but supported it on the whole.Overall reaction to the computerization process was not overly affected by factors such as the age, position, years of employment and experience of individual reporters. The process of computerization had a certain psychological effect on users, Who had to adjust to the completely different nature and even different thought processes between writing and typing on a computer. Although when typing, performance in terms of physical speed decreased by approximately 38 minutes per every two hours as compared to writing by hand, the actual content, style and layout did not differ. Computerization is valuable to the Chinese newspaper industry as it allows the streamlining of the entire writing,editing and layout process whilst boosting speed and lowering costs. Writers using computer technology will have more time to concentrate on the editorial quality of written articles,and in turn,newspaper quality will improve.
Appears in Collections:Thesis