標題: 組合捷運技術路網設計之研究
A Study on the Approach to Design a Rapid Transit Network with Composite Technology
作者: 林協同
Lin Hsieh Tung
Huang Tai Sheng
關鍵字: 路網設計;捷運系統;Network Design;Rapid Transit
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 傳統捷運系統路網設計,均為單一運具的路網設計,然而捷運系統已有中 運量系統與高運量系統兩大技術類別。因此,捷運路網設計應考慮不同技 術運具間之互補與替代效果,本研究即在此背景下進行「組合捷運技術路 網設計之研究」。組合捷運技術路網設計問題可從「組合捷運技術」與「 路網設計」兩方面來研究,組合捷運技術可分為依路線運量之不同選用不 同技術,以及在同一路線內依運量之不同選用不同技術兩種,本研究採用 前者;而路網設計問題則可依最大運量之因素以合理化法之方法早出都會 區捷運路線之最適配置。本研究路網設計又分為幹線路網設計與支線路網 設計兩部份,共同組成都會區最適捷運路網,其考慮因素包括:乘客選線 行為(最短旅行時間與距離、最大旅行時間容忍限度等)、車站的涵蓋範 圍、及捷運系統特性因素(路線容量、車量營運速度、路線最大繞彎度等 )等。最後,本研究以範例進行研究測試,並展示其結果。 The network design for rapid transit system has been based on single mode consideration traditionally. However, rapid transit technology development in recent two decades can be categorized into two classes, high-capacity systems and medium-capacity systems. So there is a need to develop a model or an approach to conduct the network design for rapid transit system with composite technology. In approach of network design for rapid transit system with composite technology,there are two main points: one is the definition of composite technology, the other is the criterion of optimization for network design. For the former , this study adopts different technology for different line in accordance with its patronage; For the latter, this study searches a network with maximum patronage and develop a heuristic algorithm to get it. The network of rapid transit system can be divided into two parks: the trunk line network and the branch lines. In modeling the optimization for trunk line network,the factors of passenger route choice behavior,the coverage of stations, and the characteristics of rapid transit technology are considered. Finally,a fabricated example is presented for demonstration.