Title: 台灣積體電路工業策略聯盟趨勢分析之研究
Trend Analysis of Strategic Alliance for Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 林保全
Lin Pao-Chuan
Benjamin Yuan
Keywords: 策略聯盟;預測;Strategic Alliance;Forecasting
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 近年來,由於國際間高科技公司紛紛結盟以利公司營運,加上國內諸多生 產條件的惡化,如人力成本、土地成本的劇增、先進技術難以取得及產業 外移等問題。為此業者必須思考在激烈競爭國際環境下,如何運用策略聯 盟,以提升自身的競爭優勢。另一方面,半導體產業被譽為「產業稻米」 ,更是我國在提倡技術升級多年後的重要具體成果表現。其中積體電路工 業扮演舉足輕重的地位。然而在各國極思保護及業者經過二十幾年蛻變下 ,該產業業者藉策略聯盟增加競爭力的動機、型態是否有所改變,其未來 趨勢如何,值得進一步深思。有鑑於此,本研究運用技術預測中的 MONITORING方法,先整理分析國內積體電路業過去聯盟的動機、型態,並 以產業組織分析架構為輔,得出研究結果。除歸納出積體電路業者過去聯 盟的軌跡外,更欲研究出聯盟未來的趨勢,為業者在日後決策時之重要參 考建議。 During these years , international high technology companies are trying alliance to strengthen their competitiveness. In Taiwan , many production factors like labor cost, land cost, assessment of advanced technology , outflow of industry ... etc. are deteriorating. All of which compel factories to consider lifting up their strength by utilizing strategic all- iance under such a competitve enviroment. Semiconductor Industry is honored as "The Resource of Industry", which was also one of great achievements as Industry Upgrading Policy was implemented in Taiwan. However, while other countries are protecting their local firms by restricting imports, what is the next step of our local factories to break through the hardness by adopting alliance is worth mediating. This research ,therefore, would analyze the motivation and patterns of alliance that Taiwan's IC Industry had undergone, and forecast the trend . Monitoring, one of technology forecast methods, is used to form the structure of this research. The result is going to be the important reference for future decision in strategic alliance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis