Title: Scenario在人機互動中之理論與應用:以互動電視節目表的發展與評估為例
Theories and Applications of Scenario in Human-Computer Interaction ---- A Case of Interactive TV ProgramGuide
Authors: 蘇照彬
Chao-Bin Su
周 倩;趙子宏
Chien Chou ;T.H.Steve,Chao
Keywords: 劇本;設計;人機互動;人機介面;使用性;使用者介面;Scenario;Design;Human-Computer Interaction;Human-Computer Interface;Usability;User Interface
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 如何幫助設計者發展一個成功的互動式系統一直是HCI研究的主要目標。
作為設計的參考而轉變為對設計程序(Process of Design)的研究。本文
主張 Scenario是一種支援設計者貫徹設計程序的工具。它不論在設計開
始前 ,設計階段,或後期的雛型發展及評估階段都能夠全程參與。
Scenario 的目地與功用是多重的,它可作為不同背景人員互相溝通的工
。本文了介紹 Scena- ario 的理論與應用外,並以一個例子:ITV電視節目
表;來展示運用 Scenar- io 發展互動式介面系統的過程,並在文章的最後
討論了適用於以 Scenario為設計理念的紙模型及啟發式評估法。
The main gole of HCI reserach is to help designers develop
usable and useful incteractive systems. In the past decade, the
focus of HCI research shifted from providing design guidelines
to emphasizing the process of design.This study argues that
"Scenario" is a supporting tool for designers to go through the
entire design process, from the predesign stage,the design
stage, to the postdesign stage. In addition to the discussions
in theories and applications of scenario in HCI research, an
interactive television program guide prototype was developed to
practice the scenario-based methods. Techniques such as paper-
mockups and Heuristic evaluation, which are approariate for
scenario methods are also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis