标题: | 风险性资产导向资本管制政策效果之研究 The Effects of Risk-Based Capital Regulation on Banks |
作者: | 刘美缨 Mei-Ying Liu 曾正权;吴寿山 Tseng-Chuan Tseng;Soushan Wu 管理科学系所 |
关键字: | 投资组合风险;倒闭风险;道德风险;Portfolio risk;Bankruptcy risk;Moral hazard |
公开日期: | 1993 |
摘要: | 本文旨在根据Rochet(1992)所提出“市场基础”的风险权数之设计理念, 在均一异分析的架构下,分别采用一般化的预期效用极大化模型与价值极 大化模型探讨风险性资产导向资本管制对银行投资组合行为以及倒闭风险 所产生的政策效果。主要结论为:风险性资产导向资本管制方案所采风险 权数的设计方式倘能依“市场基础”予以设计─即风险权数与银行资产系 统风险(或超额报酬)成比例关系,则风险性资产导向的资本管制措施当可 达成控制银行投资组合风险以及倒闭风险的政策目的,否则将难以完全杜 绝银行追求高风险投资组合的机会,因而无法避免“道德危险”问题而导 致该管制政策的失效。实证方面,本文采23家本国银行为样本,实证期间 为民国七十四年至民国八十二年,以“投资组合重组假设”与“倒闭风险 假说”进行两阶段的检定,从中观察风险性资产导向的新资本管制方案宣 告实施前后期间本国银行投资组合与倒闭风险的结构变化,以资评估该方 案对抑制本国银行追求高风险投资组合行为以及降低银行倒闭风险的政策 效果。主要实证结论为:新资本管制方案宣告后,未达管制标准银行的风 险资产导向资本比率显着上升,而已达管制标准银行的风险资产导向资本 比率反而下降,显示新资本管制已对未达管制标准银行产生理论预期的影 响效果。更重要的发现是:本国银行业者在因应风险性资产导向资本管制 的对策上,倾向于以提高自有资本比率及减缓业务规模成长速度的方式来 进行投资组合的调整,而并非往低风险资产组合进行调整。最后,在本文 所择取三个银行风险代理变数的测度下,显示,新资本方案宣告后,银行 倒闭风险有下降之态势。 This dissertation, under the mean-variance framework, firstly utilizes the utility-maximization model and value-maximization model to examine the impact of the risk-based capital regulation on bank portfolio and its bankruptcy risk to evaluate the effectiveness of the new plan. We adopt the `market-based' approach suggested by Rochet (1992) to drive the optimal risk weights and demonstrate that the new plan is a mixed scheme of asset restriction and the capital adequacy requirement. In spite of the fact that the incentive for a bank to increase asset risk declines as the correlation between asset risks and risk weights increase, only if the risk weights are proportional to the systematic risks (or excess returns)in the sense that they are `market-based' can the new plan redress the bank's bias toward riskier assets and effectively reduce the bankruptcy risk to the desired level. Otherwise, it may cause a similar `moral hazard' problem, as does the uniform capital ratio regulation, and fail to achieve the solvency goal. Furthermore, the empirical investigation is carried out by using data on 23 domestic banks from 1985 to 1993. We design a two phase hypothesis-testing including: (1) Portfolio Reshuffling Hypothesis and (2) Bankruptcy Risk Hypothesis to examine how the banks respond to the new Act in Taiwan. The empirical results suggest the banks did respond to the new capital regulation by reshuffling their portfolios. As expected theoretically, the risk -based capital ratios of the binding banks significantly increased while those of the unbinding banks declined. More importantly, the banks tended to raise their capital levels or lessen their asset growth in response to the promulgation of the new Act rather than reshuffle their asset portfolios toward less risky assets, and which resulted in a decline in the sample bank's bankruptcy risk. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/58215 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |