標題: 台灣精密機械產業新創公司之研究
The Success Factors for Taiwanese Machinery Startups
作者: 彭鴻凱
關鍵字: 精密機械;新創公司;關鍵成功因素;創業家;Precision Machinery;Startups;Key Success Factors;Entrepreneur
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 機械工業為國家之基礎工業,常被稱為「工業之母」。一個國家有高度發展的機械工業,才能有效地配合其他產業的發展,提供適合的生產機器設備。台灣機械公司規模多屬中小企業經營型態,在人力、財力、物力或技術的投入均有限,在全球化的浪潮下,受到先進國家的品質與新興國家的價格雙重競爭,使機械產業的生存發展受到嚴峻的挑戰。 本論文以台灣精密機械產業新創公司為研究主體,旨在分析產業的現況、剖析產業的競爭態勢以及確認公司的關鍵成功因素,提供產業新創公司轉型、升級與定位的參考。本研究利用因子分析與專家訪談法,針對「創業家特質」、「環境面」、「經營策略面」等三個主要面向深入探討。 經過實證分析之後,歸納整理出台灣精密機械產業新創公司的成功因素包括:(1)生產管理及品牌形象之建立;(2)與供應商關係及外部資源結合能力(3)產品替代性程度及利基市場;(4)政府政策及資訊運用能力;(5)財務管理能力;(6)產品創新及服務能力(7)公司成本領導策略;(8)產品差異化策略;(9)穩定成長的營收及行銷策略;(10)策略主導;(11)強烈的學習慾;(12)工作堅持;(13)實事求是(14)創新精神等共14項。
The machinery industry is the basis of a nation’s economy. Most Taiwanese machinery companies are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This posts challenges for them to compete against rivals with multinational presence and resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze the success factors of the precision machinery startups in Taiwan. Senior managers of machinery startups in Taiwan were surveyed to gather their expert opinions on this issue. Potential success factors in “Business Environment”, “Business Strategy”, and “Entrepreneurship” were the three dimensions of investigation. Factor analysis method was used to aggregate 14 key success factors for Taiwanese machinery startup companies. They include: (1) Production management and branding; (2) Relationship with supplier and external resources; (3) Product substitutability and niche market opportunities; (4) Government policies and IT capability; (5) Financial management capability; (6) Product innovation and servicing capability; (7) Cost-leadership strategy; (8) Product differentiation strategy; (9) Sustained growth of revenue and marketing strategy; (10) Strategy-oriented; (11) Sense of curiosity and motivation for learning; (12) Persist in quality; (13) Realistic objectives; (14) Innovation.