標題: 一個用來開發新一代通訊網路服務的物件導向模式
An Object-Oriented Model For Constructing Next Generation Telecommunication Services
作者: 謝祥浩
Shieh, Shyang-Haw
Lo, Chi-Chun
關鍵字: 智慧型網路;通訊網路;Intelligent Network
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 已經建立數十年的傳統通訊網路,一直為它的使用者提供穩定且費用合理的一般性電話服務,隨著通訊技術的進步,現在通訊市場中使用者的需求已經朝向更多樣化的新式樣通訊服務。然而,這些既有的傳統通訊網路系統卻限制了服務設計的範圍。為了能夠提供更為廣泛的通訊服務,許多新一代的通訊網路架構正在進行發展。在這些發展中,智慧型網路(Intelligent Network)以一種逐步演進的方式,希望在不影響目前的通訊基礎建設的前提之下,將現在正在使用的傳統通訊網路系統改良,演變成新一代通訊網路。智慧型網路的基本主張是提供一個讓通訊服務設計者設計出智慧型網路服務的介面,能夠針對不同的需求,以不變動硬全設備的方式,快速且具彈性地將服務安裝或是修改。因此,透過智慧型網路的服務,通訊網路使用者可以使用到更多樣化的通訊服務。 於這篇論文中,我們首先依照CCITT對智慧型網路所制定的標準,對智慧型網路作一個整理。然後,我們以一人通訊服務設計者的眼光,利用物件導向方法得到一個適用於智慧型網路服務的物件導向模式。這一個模式是由基本物件模型這兩個重要的部份建立而成的。在基本物件模型裡,包括有服務訂戶、協調者以及設備介面三種基本物件。而服務物件模型的建立是由基本物件衍生了的服務專屬物件所組成。最後,我們實際設計完成了一個虛擬專用網路服務(Virtual Private Network)的雛形,經由分析與設計比雛形的過程,我們證實了這個模式的可行性
Traditional telecommunication networks have been deployed for many decades to provide their subscribers with plain old telephone services. Now, a market-driven trend demands many new types of telecommunication services. The existing telecommunication networks, however, have limitations to provide these new services. To overcome these limitations, several next generation telecommunication architectures are being developed. Among these architectures, the Intelligent Network (IN) was introduced to make an evolution from existing telecommunication networks without an overall system revolution. The basic principle of IN is to provide a hardware-independent platform so as to have service designers realize their services from different kinds of requirements. In this thesis, we suggest an object -oriented model for constructing next generation telecommunication services. First, a step-by-step methodology is used to establish the object-oriented mode. The proposed object-oriented model has two important components, a basic model and a service model. The basic model is composed of three kinds of basic objects:SUBSCRIBER, COORDINATOR, and INTERFACE. The service model is derived from the basic object and the service dependent objects. Finally, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service prototype is developed to validate this object-oriented model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis