Title: 一個具容錯能力的ATM交換網路架構
A Fault-Tolerant Architecture For ATM Networks
Authors: 邱晨瑜
Chiou, Chen-Yu
Lo, Chi-Chun
Keywords: 交換元件;連接線;swtich element;link
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 當傳統的交換系統不再能符合今日通訊上的要求時,具有提供多種服務能力的寬頻整體服務數位綱路(Broadband Integrated Service Digital Network, B-ISDN)即成為未來綱路的趨勢。為了能整合多種不同速率的服務於單一綱路,非同步傳輸模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM)已被廣泛的接受為最有效的方法。目前有許多針對ATM而設計的快速交換綱路,其中以Banyan綱路被最廣泛地採用。在這些交換綱路中,大部分均未具有容錯能力;即,若綱路中有一連接線(Link)或交換元件(switch element)壞掉,則會造成資料無法到達某一輸出埠的情況。 在這裡,我們提出一個適合ATM系統,且具有容錯能力的交換綱路。藉由一些交換元件及連接線的加入,我們可以使原來的交換綱路由單一路徑變成許多路徑,也因此提高其容錯能力。根據分析顯示,當綱路變大,其路徑數目亦呈指數函數增長。此外,我們也利用程式的模擬來分析所提架構的可靠度及效能。在可靠度方面,我們的架構比前人提出之架構有更高的容錯能力。在效能方面,縱使綱路中有元件壞掉,我們提出的綱路架構仍能保持相當高的資料處理速度,以及微小的延遲的時間。
The asynchronous transfer Mode (ATM) is the transfer mode recommended for B-ISDN by CCITT. In this thesis, we propose a selfrouting fault-tolerant switching architecture for ATM networks. The proposed architecture uses subswitches and extra links to provide many alternative paths, and hence can tolerate multiple faults. Anaytical results show that the number of redundant paths increases exponentially as the size of the network of increases. A simulation model is developed to study both the relkiability and the performance of the proposed architecture. Reliability analysis shows that this architecture has a much higher fault tolerance than the fault-tolerant ATM networks found in the literature. In addition, the extra paths can be used to route cells when internal cell contention occurs in switching elements. Simulation results also indicate that the proposed architecture maintains a high throughput with acceptable cell delay time, even when the number of faulty components increases.
Appears in Collections:Thesis