標題: 預測單軸異向性介質的橢圓偏極參數
The prediction on the Ellipsometric measurement of an uniaxial medium
作者: 寇人傑
Ko, Zen-Chieh
Y.F. Chao
關鍵字: 橢圓偏極術;橢圓偏極參數;單軸異向性介質;各向同性介質;光軸;ellipsometry;ellipsometric parameter;uniaxial anisotropic media;isotropic media;optical axis
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本論文可分為兩部份. 第一部份是改進國家毫微米實驗室提供的程 式, 這個程式可計算各向同性介質的光學參數( 如折射率, 吸收率及薄膜 厚度 ). 這個程式適用於單一波長 及單一入射角的情況, 為符合實驗的 需要, 將這個程式改寫成適用於多波長及多入射角的狀況. 第二部份 利用橢圓偏極術的理論, 由橢圓偏極參數來預測單軸異向性介質的光軸角 度.並將討論單軸異向性介質的光軸角度和介電張量對橢圓偏極參數的關 係與影響. Ellipsometry has been recognized in recent years as powerful and versatile diagnostics tool for material surface studies. It has been used by variousdisciplines of sciences and engineering in a wide varity of applications. Inthis thesis we use ellipsometric theory to determine the optical properties of isotropic and anisotrpic media. We improve the program provided by NDL. The program can determine the optical constants ( such as complex refractive index,film thickness ) of isotropic media under monochromatic incident light at fixedincident angle condition. We expand the program into spectroscopic ellipsometryand multiple angle of incidence case. Another program calculates the ellipsometric parameters of anisotropic media. We dicuss the dependence of the ellipsometric parameters as a function of azimuthal angle of optical axis. We also show the ellipsometric parametersis very sensitive to the magnitude of the dielectric tensor and the orentationof optical axis to the sample surface.
Appears in Collections:Thesis