標題: Stress and Defect Distribution of Thick GaN Film Homoepitaxially Regrown on Free-Standing GaN by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy
作者: Chen, Kuei-Ming
Yeh, Yen-Hsien
Wu, Yin-Hao
Chiang, Chen-Hao
Yang, Din-Ru
Gao, Zhong-Shan
Chao, Chu-Li
Chi, Tung-Wei
Fang, Yen-Hsang
Tsay, Jenq-Dar
Lee, Wei-I
Department of Electrophysics
公開日期: 2010
摘要: A 220-mu m-thick Gallium nitride (GaN) layer was homoepitaxially regrown on the Ga-polar face of a 200-mu m-thick free-standing c-plane GaN by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy (HVPE). The boundary of the biaxial stress distribution in the GaN substrate after regrowth was clearly distinguished. One half part, the regrown GaN, was found to be more compressive than the other half part, the free-standing GaN. Additionally, the densities of the screw and mixed dislocations reduced from 2.4 x 10(7) to 6 x 10(6) cm(-2) after regrowth. Furthermore, the yellow band emission almost disappeared, accompanied by a peak emission at approximately 380 nm related to the edge dislocation was under slightly improved in regrown GaN. We conclude that the reduction of the dislocation defects and Ga vacancies and/or O impurities are the two main reasons for the higher compressive stress in the regrown GaN than in the free-standing GaN, causing the curvature of the GaN substrate to be twice concave after regrowth. (C) 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/6029
ISSN: 0021-4922
DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.49.091001
Volume: 49
Issue: 9


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