Title: 網際地理資訊系統設計-以台灣地區公路資訊為例
A Design of Internet GIS-Case of Taiwan Highway Information System
Authors: 陳宏政
Chen, Hon-Cheng
Han Lin Li
Keywords: 網際網路;地理資訊系統;物件導向;資料庫;Internet;GIS;object-oriented;database
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本文利用視覺語言及物件導向的概念設計一套網際地理資訊系 統,此系統包括地圖及資料兩子系統.地圖子系統包括網格圖(bitmap)的圖 層劃分與建檔,資料子系統包括關聯圖的設計.使用者利用系統所提供的圖 層及資料關聯圖即可由網路上查到所需的地圖與資料.本系統將以台灣地 區公路資訊的查詢為例,說明此網際地理資訊系統的人機界面設計,建檔查 詢與管理方式. This paper propose an Internet geographical information system(GIS)by using visual language and the concept of object- oriented design method.This system consists map sub-system and data sub-system. The map sub-systemincludes the management of map data, querying of map attributes, and datastructure of the map files. The data sub-system includes the design of entity- relationship diagram for data retrieval. Users can query data directedfrom the map and by using entity-relationship diagram. This paper will focuson the user interface design, querying method, and the management of mapfiles. The system is designed by using Taiwan road information as an example.
Appears in Collections:Thesis