標題: 一個 2 伏特 2 G 赫茲的 CMOS 相鎖迴路
A 2V 2GHz CMOS Phase-Locked Loop
作者: 林諭棟
Lin, Yuh-Dong
Jieh-Tsorng Wu
關鍵字: 相鎖迴路;電壓控制振盪器;多係數除頻器;相頻偵測器;電荷充式濾波器;PLL;VCO;MDIV;PFD;CPF
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 本篇論文描述 2 伏特 2 G 赫茲的相鎖迴路積體電路,它包含電壓控制振
盪器 (Voltage Controled Oscillator),多係數除頻器 (Multi-Modulus
Divider),相頻偵測器 (Phase-Frequency Detector),和電荷充式濾波器
(Charge-Pump Filter).
電容所控制,輸出頻率從 1.9 GHz 到 2 GHz .電流模式非同步多係數除頻
器可除頻倍數從 128 到 256,共 32 個除數.一個重新同步的電路是為了
率差,輸出充電 UP 和放電 DN 的數位信號,電荷充式濾波器將相頻偵測器
這個相鎖迴路是用 0.6um SPDM CMOS 的單晶製程製造,此積體電路包含
pads 所用面積共 3mm*3mm,當工作在電壓 -2V 且最大輸出頻率 2GHz 時,
總消耗功率是 154mW.
This thesis describes the design of a 2V 2GHz phase-locked
loop (PLL) which is consisted of a voltage-control oscillator
(VCO), a multi-modulusdivider (MDIV), a phase-frequency detector
(PFD), and a charge-pump filter (CPF).
The VCO is a LC-tuned negative-resistance oscillator. The
frequency is adjusted through a simulated-varactor circuit, and
can vary from 1.9 GHz to 2.0 GHz. The multi-modulus divider has
32 different divide ratio, ranging from 128 to 256. A re-
synchronizing circuit is included in the divider to minimize
phase jitter. The phase-frequency detector compares the phase of
the divider output with that of a reference input, and controls
the charging and discharging of the charge pump filter. All the
digital circuits are implemented with current-mode logic to
minimize power noise.
The PLL has been implemented in a 0.6 um SPDM CMOS technology.
The totalchip size is 3mm*3mm, including pads. Operating from a
single -2V supply, the maximum output frequency is 2GHz. The
total power consumption is 154mW.