標題: 消費者對連鎖加盟加油站購買行為之研究--以台北、基隆地區為例
Research on the Purchasing Behavior of Consumers to Franchised Gas Station - Take Taipei & Keelung Area as Example
作者: 蔡寶森
Tsai, Pao -Sen
Prof. Quang - Hua Chen
關鍵字: 連鎖;加油站;購買行為;franchise;gas station;purchasing behavior
公開日期: 1995
摘要: 消費者對連鎖加盟加油站購買行為之研究----------------------以台北 、基隆地區為例 學生:蔡寶森 指導教授:陳光華教授國立交通大學 管理科學研究所摘 要自加油站民營化後,中油公司即規劃建立民營站加盟連鎖制度,國外著 名石油公司及台塑公司亦開始計劃跟進。八十五年二月四日後公營事業已 無保護條款,加油站在自由化、國際化的衝激下,勢必為國內外大石油公 司所關注,而造成連鎖活動之蓬勃發展。消費者購買行為對之亦將有重大 影響。 本研究以哈佛的消費者決策模式,進行消費者對連鎖加盟加油 站購買行為之研究,以達到下列目的: 1.分析瞭解連鎖加盟加油站之經 營特性。2.探討消費者對連鎖加盟加油站購買行為之研究。 3.依據上 述分析結果,提出建議。研究範圍為台北、基隆地區之連鎖加油站。研究 對象為該地區之連鎖加油站消費者。針對上述連鎖加油站隨機抽樣,並對 所抽樣連鎖加油站消費者發出700份問卷, 最後有效問卷358份,以SAS套 裝軟體進行統計分析,結果發現: 1.由分析結果,可以發現連鎖加油 站消費者在選擇加油站時,共有多角化功能、質量功能、便捷功能、票卡 功能等四個顯著考慮因素。依據以上四項評估因素,可將消費者分為四個 集群。 2.重視程度最高者,在多角化功能上,為集群一;在質量功能上 ,為集群四;在便捷功能上,為集群一;在票卡功能上,為集群一。 3.各集群消費者人口統計變數除了在「年齡」上無顯著差異外,其餘五項 皆有顯著差異。 4.消費者營業小客車最重視連鎖,而貨櫃車最不重視, 且所得少於2萬元的消費者較不重視連鎖。 消費者不同車別在連鎖加油站 品牌認知及選擇加油站的考慮上有顯著差異。 5.消費者選擇意向,受 其連鎖加盟廣告注意及連鎖站品牌認知的影響。 6.消費者不同 車別在連鎖廣告注意及連鎖加油站品牌認知有顯著差異。7.消費者車別、 教育別在獲知連鎖廣告媒體上有顯著差異。車別、教育別、所得別上在接 觸廣告媒體上有顯著差異。不同人口統計的消費者在電視廣播節目注意上 有顯著差異。不同人口統計的消費者除了地區別外在報版注意上有顯著差 異。 Research on the Purchasing Behavior of Consumers to Franchised Gas Station------------------------------------------- Take Taipei & Keelung Area as ExampleStudent : Pao-Sen Tsai Advisor : Prof.Quang-Hua ChenInstitute of Management Science National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACTSince the privatize of the gas station,Chinese Petroleum Co. was planning toset up private franchised chain-store system , and this idea was followed byrenowned foreign companies and Taiwan Plastic Company . There will be no moreprotective provisions for the governmental business from February 4th of 1996,under the impact of liberalization and internationalization of the operationof gas station , it is for sure will catch the sight of the major petroleumcompanies of domestic and abroad and resulting rushing development of chainreaction. The behavior of consumers will deliver massive influence too. Thisresearch is based on the Howard model of consumer decison making,conduct studyon purchasing behavior of consumers to franchised chain -link gas station andintend to achieve the following aims: 1.Analyze the operationalcharacteristic of franchised gas station. 2.Review the study on the purchasingbehavior of consumers to franchised gas station. 3.Produce recommendationwith accordance to the above results of research. The research scope isconcentrated to the gas station in Taipei and keelung area. The researchsubjects are consumers of franchised gas station of that area. Subject torandom sampling of the gas station and dispatching 700 copies of questionnaireto the consumers of sample gas station , effecctive questionnaire were 358copies , and the results was found after statistically analysis with SASsoftware package: 1.Found four significant factors of consideration inthe choosing of gas station. 2.There are four groups of comsumers can beclassified based on the factors. 3.There are significant difference in allother items excepted "age" in demographic variable for each group of consumers. 4.Operators of passenger car appreciated most and container trailer lessto the chain -link , and those with monthly income less than NTD20,000appreciated less. There are significant difference in the type of vehicles tothe recognition of the brand and choice of gas station. 5.Will of selectionis affect by the advertisement and recognition of the brand of gas station. 6.There are significant difference in type of vehicles of consumers to theadvertisement and recognition of the brand of gas station. 7.There aresignificant difference in type of vehicles and educational level of consumersto the acquisition of advertisement media of chain-link gas station.There aresignificant difference in type of vehicles , educational level and income ofconsumers to the contact of advertisement media.
Appears in Collections:Thesis