標題: 海峽兩岸文化特質與工業採購決策關聯性之研究
The Relationships Between Cultural Characteristics and Industrial Buying Decisions in Taiwan and Mainland China
作者: 張國忠
Chang, Kuochung
Cherng G. Ding
關鍵字: 國民性格;華人價值觀;相依性;National Character;Chinese Value Survey;Interdependence
公開日期: 1995
摘要:   本研究旨在探討海峽兩岸文化特質與工業採購者決策之關聯性研究, 分為三部份討論之。首先針對海峽兩岸之工業採購者,以Hofstede所發展 國民性格的四個構面:權力差距、集體主義、剛柔性和不確定性規避及 Chinese Culture Connection所發展華人價值觀的四個構面:整合性、孔 子儒術、仁愛心和道德紀律感來量測工業採購者的文化特質,並探討其對 產品價格和交貨時間等兩項採購者選擇評準的影響。研究結果顯示,國民 性格構面的剛柔性及華人價值觀構面的整合性和道德紀律感皆影響工業採 購者對產品價格的給予。剛性和整合性對於價格有正向影響,而道德紀律 感卻有負向影響。經比較兩岸的工業採購者文化特質後,華人價值觀比國 民性格更適於反映兩岸中國人的文化差異。 其次,以華人價值觀量測 中國大陸電信機構採購人員的文化特質,並探究其對工作績效、產品、價 格、人際關係和政策等五項評準的影響。研究結果發現,工作績效和價格 評準和整合性有關,整合性傾向高的人員對工作績效較為重視且對價格有 較大的彈性。政策評準和道德紀律感有正相關,具有高道德紀律感傾向的 人偏向依隨政策做為採購決策之依據。產品和人際關係兩項評準與華人價 值觀無關,其分佈顯示產品為相對較重要,人際關係為相對較不重要之採 購評準。最後從文化特質中的集體主義,引申探討個人相依性對關係行銷 的效應。相依性強調外在公共的象徵、角色和關係,具有此特徵的人依據 其和周遭人的關係來規範其行為。研究結果顯示,廠商的關係策略和採購 者再購買意願間的關係受個人相依性的影響,具有低相依性的採購者比高 相依性的採購者,在關係策略與再購買之間存在著較顯著的關係。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between cultural characteristics and industrial buying decisions in Taiwan and Mainland China. The first part of this study investigated the effects of culture on two industrial vendor selection criteria, price and delivery schedule, in Taiwan and Mainland China. Hofstede's national character and Chinese Culture Connection's Chinese Value Survey (CVS), two instruments based on different constructs, were used together to represent the cultural characteristics of industrial buyers from Taiwan and Mainland China. The findings indicated that the CVS was more suitable for detecting cultural differences between these two areas. Moreover, masculinity and integration had significant positive effects, but moral discipline had negative effect on price awards. The second part of this study investigated buying criteria in the PRC telecommunications market and the effects of Chinese culture on these criteria. Five buying criteria were identified by literature searches and experience surveys. They included performance, product, price, relationship, and policy. Again, Chinese Value Survey were used to represent the cultural characteristics of government personnel. The study found that integration had a negative effect on price and a positive effect on performance. In addition, moral discipline had a positive effect on the policy criterion. Neither product nor relationship was found to be affected by the government personnel cultural characteristics. The distributions of ratings indicated that product was regarded relatively more important, and relationship less important by the PRC government personnel in making buying decisions. The last part of this study examined the moderating effects of interdependent self-construal on relationship marketing in Taiwan and Mainland China. The interdependent self depends on others, his or her relations with others, and contextual factors to regulate behavior.
Appears in Collections:Thesis