Title: 黃瓊瑩小提琴獨奏會(含輔助文件:從速度、動機的關係之變化來看布洛赫第一號小提琴奏鳴曲)
Chiung-Yin Huang Violin Recital (with a Supporting Paper: Tempo and Motive Transformations in Ernest Bloch's Violin Sonata No.1 )
Authors: 黃瓊瑩
Keywords: 布洛赫;小提琴;奏鳴曲;Ernest Bloch;Violin;Sonata
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本文以布洛赫第一號小提琴奏鳴曲的速度、動機關係之變化為研究對象,探討動機與速度在樂曲當中之相關性,以及動機發展與音樂之詮釋。第一部分,主要了解布洛赫生平、背景,以及其音樂之風格。第二部分則是透過動機音型之分析,了解動機之架構,並且藉由速度變化的整理,分析出動機與速度之相關性。最後則是以詮釋為主,試圖嘗試用以上之分析及探討,尋找出最貼切之演奏方式。
This paper is focused on tempo and motive transformations in Ernest Bloch's Violin Sonata No.1. I document the life, background, and style of the composer and his music. In the second part, I analyze the structure of motives, and its interaction with tempo changes. I attempt to find out the most appropriate performance according to my analysis.
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